shitzu 0 Posted January 27, 2007 Report Share Posted January 27, 2007 alright lads hows it going i have a problem with my russsell every time he works he gets some sort of break out on his coat there like open sores i clean him disinfect wounds straight away after the digs but it still happens and he always gets an infection i have given him ivomec injections in the past and they worked but they dont work any more he s nearly fully white in colour i heard white dogs are more prone to this type of thing i ve had him to the vet loads of times and took skin scrapes still could nt find the cause just wondering has any one else incountered this problem Quote Link to post
Guest Dunna Posted January 27, 2007 Report Share Posted January 27, 2007 i had a dog like that few years back and i was told it was over the bull in him. Don't know if this is true. Is there any bull in your terrier? I used to just wash him every week and he got a bit better as he got older. Someone suggested to me to put some sulphur powder in his food but again i don't know if this is true Quote Link to post
patterdale moocher 10 Posted January 27, 2007 Report Share Posted January 27, 2007 yes got same problem now with my patterdale is it like exzema and do the sores bleed and scab up and mainly on the legs??? Quote Link to post
jpnixon 7 Posted January 27, 2007 Report Share Posted January 27, 2007 try given him a little licon oil in his foog its good for the coat and skin its cheap enough. It is cod liver oil so it has added benefits also Quote Link to post
shitzu 0 Posted January 28, 2007 Author Report Share Posted January 28, 2007 alright lads hows it going i have a problem with my russsell every time he works he gets some sort of break out on his coat there like open sores i clean him disinfect wounds straight away after the digs but it still happens and he always gets an infection i have given him ivomec injections in the past and they worked but they dont work any more he s nearly fully white in colour i heard white dogs are more prone to this type of thing i ve had him to the vet loads of times and took skin scrapes still could nt find the cause just wondering has any one else incountered this problem Shitzu i would give Nu - Stock a try , good stuff. what is nu stock were would i get it Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted January 28, 2007 Report Share Posted January 28, 2007 Wishing to cause no offence, but what is your dog's diet? A dog with a good immune system should be able to shrug off minor infections. Raw meat/bones/whole carcases/ a bit of raw minced veg/SA37, or a top quality complete food such as Purina Pro-Plan: this is what I feed my terrers and I very seldom have to give antibiotics if they get a bit sm***ed below ground. I always clean any wounds with salt water, and if the wound is deep squeeze in a bit of antibiotic cream (comes in a syringe:no needle!; made for mastitis in cows, with a nozzle to get into deep wounds/teats)..Otherwise I put a few drops of Propolis (available from Medibee: just Google for their site), a natural antibacterial made by bees. Usaully does away with the need for antibiotics altogther. If you do use antibiotics then remember to give the dog natural, live yoghurt whilst the dog is getting antibiotics as they destroy the natural gut flora. If the dog is sore round its shoulders due to sqeezing through tubes and getting earth/sand rubbed into its skin then washing with a mild dog shampoo followed by an antiseptic ointment rubbed in, such as Savlon, works very well. My dogs work a lot of cover as well and a covered with scratches around their shoulders from pushing through brambles etc, this can develop into a full blown dermatis type infection, oozy and nasty. Hope this helps. Quote Link to post
shitzu 0 Posted January 28, 2007 Author Report Share Posted January 28, 2007 i changed his food this week he ll get pasta rice and chicken i got some camrosa ointment see if it helps his teeth are in a bad way aswell hopefully i can sort it i like this dog Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted January 28, 2007 Report Share Posted January 28, 2007 If his teeth are in a bad way you simply have to get him on to raw meaty bones: rabbits, skinned and gutted: give him the carcase: chewing up the bones will clean the plaque off his teeth like nothing else: leave a bit of skin on the bunnies as well if you like: all that gnawing keeps the gums healthy and strong and the teeth clean. Either worm the dog regularly or freeze the rabbits for 3 weeks to kill the tapeworm cysts. Feed as naturally as possible and you get a healthier dog all round. If you feed only rabbit then you might need to add more fat in the form of suet, lamb flank etc. Or fatty tripe: fat gives energy. Quote Link to post
Guest foxtrack Posted January 28, 2007 Report Share Posted January 28, 2007 If his teeth are in a bad way you simply have to get him on to raw meaty bones: rabbits, skinned and gutted: give him the carcase: chewing up the bones will clean the plaque off his teeth like nothing else: leave a bit of skin on the bunnies as well if you like: all that gnawing keeps the gums healthy and strong and the teeth clean. Either worm the dog regularly or freeze the rabbits for 3 weeks to kill the tapeworm cysts. Feed as naturally as possible and you get a healthier dog all round. If you feed only rabbit then you might need to add more fat in the form of suet, lamb flank etc. Or fatty tripe: fat gives energy. you took the words out of my mouth great reply nice one Quote Link to post
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