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Hunting with out a finder

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Any one got any tips for rabbiting with out a ferret finder. Got a young hob not long ago and want to give him a couple of runs out before the season ends. Cab afford a finder yet. Need to save up for next season. Does any one have any tips on rabbiting with out a finder.

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  On 20/02/2011 at 14:27, Pitty146 said:

Any one got any tips for rabbiting with out a ferret finder. Got a young hob not long ago and want to give him a couple of runs out before the season ends. Cab afford a finder yet. Need to save up for next season. Does any one have any tips on rabbiting with out a finder.

Yes mate ,

start in about eight months time.

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like you say mate finders are a modern thing. you can use a liner. but i just used to have a rabbit with me and if the ferret didnt come out shake it about at the hole you last saw the ferret and it should come just make plenty of noise with the rabbit banging about in the hole. all ways worked for me. :thumbs:

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  On 20/02/2011 at 14:41, Pitty146 said:

He's old enough to go out. Bloke I got him off took him out a few times. Finders are modern. There must be techniques used years ago before finders were introduced ??

Any one recommend any good books ?


So was the horse and cart until the car came along.



  On 20/02/2011 at 15:07, Pitty146 said:

Not heard of a liner mate ?? What's that. ?


A liner (usually a hob) is a ferret that lived alone from all the rest. When out ferreting, if you got a lay up you would get your liner hob out and attach a ball of string to its collar or harness and enter him into the warren. When the string stopped moving you would dig along until you found the dead rabbit. It was kept alone because it would push the jill off the kill. I assume you only have the one ferret though....



I personally would wait until next season and save your money up to get a locator mk1 or mk3 would suffice your depending on how much you have.

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All these guys can say wait till next year till you have a locator but if youve just got your ferret your itching to have a wee shot and nothings going to stop you .Give it a go try to pick a frosty morning start early ,walk into the wind to the burrow dont walk on top of the burrow ,and dont make a noise on top of the burrow ,and if your luck holds out stop early . We did ferret before locators it can be done but its a dam sight easier now with them .

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Just make sure you have plenty of patience mate, hopefully you won't need it.

Take a spade with you aswell, if it comes to the wosrt case scenario and he's laid

up you'll be able to fill the holes and go back the following morning.:thumbs:

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Or just find yourself some small earths in some woods or something that way theres normally only 5-6 holes (Dont forget the bolt hole)


When we find small used earths we just put them down there worst thats going to happen is the ferrett may come out of a run 10 yards away which youve overlooked and not covered.

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Worst case scenario, go find yourself a small (very small) set in the open, where you know there is a bunny or two, take a shovel and some red bull, put ferret in (start early morning), and hopefully bolt rabbit into net and celebrate as hob trundles out. If not, first wait, squeek, listen at holes etc etc etc, and if that fails drink red bull and dig a really big f*****g hole, really carefully. Then go home for tea.

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try small setts,4 or 5 holes maybe and be patient,i wouldn't take on bigger setts until you can locate your ferret with more accuracy,or know more techniques to find him or get him to come out or you could be in for a long wait,or worse you could be going home without him.

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