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dogs for sale

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ive just been on a website called birdtrader,and you guessed it they sell birds,i clicked on the bird of prey section and among the adverts were a few for working dogs :hmm: now if i was selling my dog the last place i would think of putting it would be birdtrader,im thinking maybe they could be nicked,the people or person who placed the ads seem fecking brainless to start with,one of the ads is for a bullx and it says does fox had 5 last season :doh: and even though the website gives you one of their phone numbers to save yours going on an open forum,this pricks put his in the advert :blink: it just seems a bit suss to me,why sell your dogs in the hawk section on a bird site,theres also a patt doing fox,maybe someone could put a link up,i may be wrong(i hope i am) but you never know they could well be nicked :thumbs:

Edited by craigyboy
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