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Bird pic with my new camera.

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Oh! Look, pardon me for butting in here on what's obviously a Well up market camera users Thread, only - following Moll's exhibition of flying lurcher shots taken on 'Sport mode, I tried that one with my own Sony match box.


Must say, I caught Small Dog coming in over the bog quite nicely. Only - as Millet's finding - the light simply wan't up to it. This being later afternoon. I decided to wait till summer, or an earlier expedition, with the 'right' light. Now ye have me wondering!


Millet? Have you - or can ye find on line - a manual? I have my ones manual here and I know for a fact - alough I've never studied and grasped it even yet! - it does mention a sub setting that can possibly cure this ill. It's taking me a bloody life time to get half to grips with all this bugger can really do!


If someone reminds me, or otherwise drags me back to this Thread, when I have time and am up to it, I'll pursue this matter and see what I might be able to offer from my end. Maybe Dawn can save us all that bother?

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very good pic dawn..excellent in fact


it is difficult getting good pics in poor light...the iso settings need to be pushed right up especialy if you are using a long lens and fast shutter speeds...things can be changed using photoshop cs2 but you need a half decent pic to start with.what photo software are you using ??

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