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The law on domestic and feral cats in your garden.

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the guy was jesting alex! thats the point of the smiley face :laugh:.


thats fair point how you would deal with it but this was the the reply I gave to one of your posts which I thought you would have answered :hmm:.


Jesting or not it was a suggestion that could be read either way, it should have been removed!



Total Rubbish :doh: a cat doesn't neccessarily have to attack your bird to kill it. a cat on the top of a aviary can kill your bird through stress or the bird dieing from injuries crashing about in the aviary.


do your homework in the future pal :yes:.




The same could be said about anything that causes the bird to get stressed, noisy neighbours, aircraft, cars whatever. What would your solution be to them? You can't just go around killing something because it stresses a bird. As far as doing homework its you that needs to, read up a bit on the law and what can or ca't be done to a cat (excluding feral) then start quoting chapter and verse.


And for the record please don't call me pal, thats one thing you ain't Tony! I think we sorted that one out with the discussion we've had in the past on forums!



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For someone with a law degree,I find it hard to believe you didn't know it is a criminal offence to kill, shoot, injure, trap or poison a cat.However this being one of your better posts I will suggest

i also here harris hawks like a bit of cat as well

Dont think most people dislike cats.Its the owners we hate.Who wont take responseibilty for them.They seem to think they are above the law.:wankerzo4:

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  On 20/02/2011 at 22:04, Alex Brown said:

The same could be said about anything that causes the bird to get stressed, noisy neighbours, aircraft, cars whatever. What would your solution be to them? You can't just go around killing something because it stresses a bird. As far as doing homework its you that needs to, read up a bit on the law and what can or ca't be done to a cat (excluding feral) then start quoting chapter and verse.


And for the record please don't call me pal, thats one thing you ain't Tony! I think we sorted that one out with the discussion we've had in the past on forums!




touched a nerve Pal :tongue2:. took the bait hook line and sinker didn't you :laugh:.


Must admit it would be hard to kill cars and a aeroplane! must say though I have never had one sit on top of my aviary roof yet either! can't say I have had a neighbour do it either :whistling:.


think what your saying PAL! you're looking a bit silly now...


yis Jasp

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  On 20/02/2011 at 22:12, jasper65 said:
  On 20/02/2011 at 22:04, Alex Brown said:

The same could be said about anything that causes the bird to get stressed, noisy neighbours, aircraft, cars whatever. What would your solution be to them? You can't just go around killing something because it stresses a bird. As far as doing homework its you that needs to, read up a bit on the law and what can or ca't be done to a cat (excluding feral) then start quoting chapter and verse.


And for the record please don't call me pal, thats one thing you ain't Tony! I think we sorted that one out with the discussion we've had in the past on forums!




touched a nerve Pal :tongue2:. took the bait hook line and sinker didn't you :laugh:.


Must admit it would be hard to kill cars and a aeroplane! must say though I have never had one sit on top of my aviary roof yet either! can't say I have had a neighbour do it either :whistling:.


think what your saying PAL! you're looking a bit silly now...


yis Jasp

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The same could be said about anything that causes the bird to get stressed, noisy neighbours, aircraft, cars whatever. What would your solution be to them? You can't just go around killing something because it stresses a bird. As far as doing homework its you that needs to, read up a bit on the law and what can or ca't be done to a cat (excluding feral) then start quoting chapter and verse.


And for the record please don't call me pal, thats one thing you ain't Tony! I think we sorted that one out with the discussion we've had in the past on forums!





Pal, sorry Alex what is the issue with you: do you think it is morally wrong as well as illegal to kill cats or do you think it is wrong to joke about it on a Forum with other usuful comments? Do you agree that wild cats should be culled?

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touched a nerve Pal :tongue2:. took the bait hook line and sinker didn't you :laugh:.


Must admit it would be hard to kill cars and a aeroplane! must say though I have never had one sit on top of my aviary roof yet either! can't say I have had a neighbour do it either :whistling:.


think what your saying PAL! you're looking a bit silly now...


yis Jasp




Not at all, as far as looking silly think you've done enough of that by you over active support of this thread. Either way makes no difference.


As far as what I am saying, if you can't see sense i it then so be it, obviously way to sensible. Tony your supposed to be impartial as a moderator not getting so personally involved leave that for the IFF where your just a member. Although it does make me understand some of your comments when you align yourself to Canning :whistling:



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  On 20/02/2011 at 22:16, scalesntails said:

Being a herpetologist I have a dislike for cats. They are the number one cause for the near extinction of the Smooth snake and many other species of British wildlife.


If dogs caused 1% of the damage to wildlife that cats do they would have been banned years ago.

First rate post, the nail sweet on the had and where have the little birds gone Mr cat?

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Pal, sorry Alex what is the issue with you: do you think it is morally wrong as well as illegal to kill cats or do you think it is wrong to joke about it on a Forum with other usuful comments? Do you agree that wild cats should be culled?


Yes Derek, I think as a Hunting forum the member should be seen to be whiter than white, something you especially should do after your problems with AH (DEFRA) the police and the courts. Joking about killing, poisoning, or trapping pet cats could easily give the wrong impression about what we should stand for, but maybe it's only my opinion on that but there again I am not a previously convicted person under wildlife acts you are so maybe you no longer care about falconry or hunting.


As far as feral cats not Wild Cats yes if there is a need and its done legally they should be controlled, but the thread was not about feral cats it was about domestic cats, or are you changing the purpose of the thread now?


I asked you earlier are you willing to name the supposedly lying policeman for the record or was it just another empty statement like "Derek Canning was framed and will prove his innocence"





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  On 20/02/2011 at 22:18, Alex Brown said:

Not at all, as far as looking silly think you've done enough of that by you over active support of this thread. Either way makes no difference.


As far as what I am saying, if you can't see sense i it then so be it, obviously way to sensible. Tony your supposed to be impartial as a moderator not getting so personally involved leave that for the IFF where your just a member. Although it does make me understand some of your comments when you align yourself to Canning :whistling:




I support genuine Hunting folk and their opinions which they are all entitled too! Heck I'm even listening to yours :whistling:.


lighten up fella! you wouldn't last 5 mins on a building site :no:.


yis Jasp :guitar:

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