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i've met and coursed with the lad's your slagging and i'll tell you now they are far more knowledgable than 99% of the "keyboard" dogmen that post constant stream's of complete and utter "bollox" on f

How does that prove 'CN' has been doing anything illegal, give a well dog dog to some men to use. If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all, just keep your stupid childish no

Well said mate

well said mate too many name droppers on here :thumbdown: initials should be enough but some love to feed there egos :thumbdown:

How does that prove 'CN' has been doing anything illegal, give a well dog dog to some men to use. If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all, just keep your stupid childish nose out and grow a pair a conkers!! pathetic man, all your good for honestly! Come on this site for a big of crack on how the lads are doing and a bit of information on things in interested in, and you get N O B S like you!
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well said mate too many name droppers on here :thumbdown: initials should be enough but some love to feed there egos :thumbdown:

How does that prove 'CN' has been doing anything illegal, give a well dog dog to some men to use. If you dont have anything nice to say then dont say anything at all, just keep your stupid childish nose out and grow a pair a conkers!! pathetic man, all your good for honestly! Come on this site for a big of crack on how the lads are doing and a bit of information on things in interested in, and you get N O B S like you!


Well said mate :thumbs:

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every one knowes craig nuttalls name and hundreds own dogs with his old dogs in the lines. who cares if hes names up on a computer.

if he dont go anymore hes got nothing to worry about. :thumbs:


Exactly mate and besides, it's all good advertising.... isn't that what it's all about? :thumbs: I haven't read a saluki thread on here that doesn't end up a stud advert... :icon_eek:

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Do any of you lads on here know or have heard about this bitch, Last season the Pakistani's folk were matching this bitch for craig, winning alot of matches. Im sure It was a black and tan bitch :) Let me know lads cheers... :whistling:

Yes it jacked half way through a three dog match as the pakis said it ran out of juice!

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