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just a couple

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went to allotment this morning with the rapid in case i saw any more rats,any way its lashing down up here in north east and it hasnt taken long for me to get wet .after feeding my pigeons i was messing about in the green house when i heard a magpie squawking close by i looked thru the glass and it was taking twigs from the old nest at the top of my allotment [i killed that pair last year] its in a large sycamore tree .it flew off with a twig so i got ready for it reurning it landed at the very top of the tree so i leant against the greenhouse door and found it thru the scope i squeezed the trigger and it fell stone dead ,i never saw nowt after that and decided to make my way home up the track that seperates the gardens my mate called me in and said the magpies are pestering his ducks &hens so i waited for a while and took another two so no rats today but another few magpies to the tally


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went to allotment this morning with the rapid in case i saw any more rats,any way its lashing down up here in north east and it hasnt taken long for me to get wet .after feeding my pigeons i was messing about in the green house when i heard a magpie squawking close by i looked thru the glass and it was taking twigs from the old nest at the top of my allotment [i killed that pair last year] its in a large sycamore tree .it flew off with a twig so i got ready for it reurning it landed at the very top of the tree so i leant against the greenhouse door and found it thru the scope i squeezed the trigger and it fell stone dead ,i never saw nowt after that and decided to make my way home up the track that seperates the gardens my mate called me in and said the magpies are pestering his ducks &hens so i waited for a while and took another two so no rats today but another few magpies to the tally


Well done.


Can't get rid of enough of these, as far as I'm concerned!





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