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could you eat a fox and what would it taste like

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Guest The Shaman
had aday of work today and started thinking ihave eaten most things ihave shot, fished, coursed etc but ihave never meet any one who has eaten one ,,,WHY







Or was that a polar bear :blink:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Steve: " The url contained a malformed video id. " And, if it was what I suspect it was? Just as f*cking well. Like a din, I'd probably have watched it and then gone completely f*cking ballistic! :cry:


Anyway, foxes; Mate of mine, the gastronomic legend, Chris H. Tried fox. He said it was utterly disgusting :sick:

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Guest alastair

ate it last year,our local pub has a chinese chef and he asked the local shoot for one,it made me feel sick seeing it bubbling away in the pot,it tasted ok,but the tiddly winks marinate it all these dried,wierd stuff,all the farmers were thier to try it,along with loads of other customers having a normal chinese meal when the chef comes racing out the kitchen shouting, '' ok its ready ,who wont flox'' thier faces was a picture,some walked out.i had my pup with me who was begging for a bit,so i threw a bit on the floor,and he picked it up,spat it out then rolled on it,all the farmers were laughing the nuts off.

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Steve: " The url contained a malformed video id. " And, if it was what I suspect it was? Just as f*cking well. Like a din, I'd probably have watched it and then gone completely f*cking ballistic! :cry:


Anyway, foxes; Mate of mine, the gastronomic legend, Chris H. Tried fox. He said it was utterly disgusting :sick:





alastair Today, 05:11 PM Post #8


ate it last year,our local pub has a chinese chef and he asked the local shoot for one,it made me feel sick seeing it bubbling away in the pot,it tasted ok,but the tiddly winks marinate it all these dried,wierd stuff,all the farmers were thier to try it,along with loads of other customers having a normal chinese meal when the chef comes racing out the kitchen shouting, '' ok its ready ,who wont flox'' thier faces was a picture,some walked out.i had my pup with me who was begging for a bit,so i threw a bit on the floor,and he picked it up,spat it out then rolled on it,all the farmers were laughing the nuts off.



I don't know HOW anybody could stand to be in the same building cooking such putred smelling shite! :sick:

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Guest alastair
Just the thought of eating fox would be enough to make me feel queasy :no:


exactly tote''the thought'',if you ordered chicken or beef you would not have a clue,i bet most people have eaten allsorts whilst on hols,or takeaways,i had dog meat in hong kong and i thought it was goat. :cry: got a bollocking of the bride for cocking me leg up the curtains .

Edited by alastair
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With all the rotten crap they eat, it can't be a good idea! :sick:


When I was out in China last year, I walked past a restuarant with a load of carsasses hanging up outside.

On closer inspection i saw they had a big cage with a load of live alsation sized dogs, piled on top of each other waiting for there turn to be butchered.

Someone there told me dogs can smell it on you and avoid you like the plague if you've been eating it.

Why don't those animal rights pricks go and use some of there time and energy trying to stop cruelty, where the real cruelty is happening?

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Why, Shepp? Because to paraphrase Ghandi, as best I can remember it; We can judge a societies level by the way they treat their animals.


Have ye seen the 'Chinese Fur Farm' video? Heard about how they recently sent their boys out onto the streets, to club every pet Dog they could find to death, right there on the street, as the owners held their leads? They even sneaked round houses at night, making noises to get hidden Dogs to bark :censored:


Now; How long do ye think our Anti's would last, if they started their bitching against a regimen like That?


No way, mate. They stay safely in the bossum of Tony's New Britain :angry:

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