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I only wash mine if they smell bad or if theyve rolled in something which isnt unknown for the two long legged gits they will roll in a bird crap ffs.The terrier gets more bathed than the rest cos shes wee and gets into all kinds of messes


I began reading that thinking you were talking about your feet... :tongue2: Howz billy these days?

FFS mate billy passed away............. :cry:


Awwwww never knew..... R.I.P billy..... what done him in? Job interview?

No Ethyl did................but its hush hush... :secret:


Right....... suffocated him with his duvay........ :whistling:

His what????????......... :laugh:


PMSL I leave buying bed clothing to the wumin..... blanket, duvet, f**k knows.... that thingy.... let me guess fannybaws, you probably know what a tog is lol and I dont mean anything to do with Wogan :tongue2:

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Might have been more interesting if the post was about your Mrs Bathing with the dogs .....Mmmmm Any takers :tongue4:

she's only 5!

no you didnt. You were serious...

I only wash mine if they smell bad or if theyve rolled in something which isnt unknown for the two long legged gits they will roll in a bird crap ffs.The terrier gets more bathed than the rest cos shes wee and gets into all kinds of messes


I began reading that thinking you were talking about your feet... :tongue2: Howz billy these days?

FFS mate billy passed away............. :cry:


Awwwww never knew..... R.I.P billy..... what done him in? Job interview?

No Ethyl did................but its hush hush... :secret:


Right....... suffocated him with his duvay........ :whistling:

His what????????......... :laugh:


PMSL I leave buying bed clothing to the wumin..... blanket, duvet, f**k knows.... that thingy.... let me guess fannybaws, you probably know what a tog is lol and I dont mean anything to do with Wogan :tongue2:

:laugh: Duvay......thought that was posh talk for duvet for a minute........... :laugh:

Dont work in togs......its either hot and aff or cold and on, simples!!!!!

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Your no doing the dog any favours washing it to often your taking the oils out its coat ,the only time i would wash mine is in the summer unless they had rolled in something or where really smelly

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