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Guest Ditch_Shitter
  Millet said:
It's Ian's fault the messer... :yes::D .. he need's to get his greedy hand in his very tight pocket and spend a bit of the donater's dosh on more band width.. :yes::yes: .

I have a pretty quick comp here for most thing's but from time to time on this site it freeze's on me and say's they is too many user's on board.. :blink::blink: ..



Abso F*ckin Lutely! It's actually taken me the best part of FOUR HOURS, tonight, just to read a selection of Posts out of the days four page run. I click to read a Thread. (White Page). Refresh. Refresh. Hit Back. Go for the post. Refresh! REFRESH! BACK!!! I wander off and make a cuppa or even a f*cking Meal while just waiting for a Post to open! :censored:


Would it be too much to ask that some of the recent flood of Donations be put toward sorting out some Bandwidth for this place? The jokes about 'Gimp Suits' and JD's nose are wearing a bit thin now.



Regards the people quoting Feature Length Posts, directly beneath the original, complete with six huge photo's? I asked Ian if it might be possible to enable me to discreetly Edit the damn things back into shape myself - Without becoming a Moddie. I've Moddie'd enough in my time and have No interest in doing so here, thanks very much. It's just that I've just 'Reported' mega repostings for what must be the fith time tonight. I probably average half a dozen a day? You Mod's must love me! (:rolleyes:).


But Ian just replied, " I'll get it sorted. " WHEN, Ian? Because between Refresh. Refresh. Back. Refresh. 'Too Many Users - Please Try Later', and Reporting massive posts repeated, this place is Really becoming a drag! :angry:


I wouldn't bitch; But it's ALL so easily 'Sorted'!



I'll now Copy this entire post. Otherwise I'll likely hit Send. Refresh. Back. Lose the f*cking lot!

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Its not so easily sorted though ditch the reason it occurs is because of the amount of similtaneous users accessing the forums database at once.....bandwith doesn't come into it...server power does ie a decent dedicated server but there expensive probably about £100 snots a month for a half decent one....a high amount of users in chat during the night doesn't help either....

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

If that's the case, Ian - and you'd know better than me, obviously - then it's a crying shame crossed with a dead duck, surely? I mean, it's just taken over a Full, TIMED Minute for me to read what ye said, from the moment I clicked to open this Thread again :( I thought it was me. My Connection. But just look at what the others - who can be bothered to comment - are saying .....


How Much a month?! Christ, That's harsh! But I'd personally consider chipping in IF it meant I were able to operate and function in here. BUT, I see I'd only be financing the Free Loaders etc. and, when all's said and done, I suppose they too post stuff that makes me click a Thread. Chuck them all out and the site's a fraction of what it could be. I'm the last one to point down that tried and pot holed road of exclusivity, let alone 'Pay Site' status. Go there and next ye'd have idiots demanding financial concessions before they honoured us with their, " Nice Dog M 8 " in put! :rolleyes:


His R.H. has a point though; The Chat Room. I was given to understand it was a stand alone from here? Ye mean to tell us it's Bleeding this place??? Get f*cking shot of it then! Half the people in there use names we never see posting out here. Then we get obvious rank idiots who just Google their way in and make nuisances of themselves. Indeed, the vast majority of what goes on in there is so cliquey they'd may as well link up on an IMS and 'Conferance' amongst themselves. Why hand this places pitifull resources to people who seem only to gather for an on line piss up and flirting session? (Don't take my word for it; Log in for a few nights, under an assumed name, and just sit in. Ye'll soon see).


Taking that point one step further; How about just scrapping that drain and opening a truly stand alone chat? I've had the time of my life on Yahoo Groups based Chats. They allow us Mike Speak. Word Censorship. 'Whispering'. Moderation. Emoticons. Coloured Texts. The whole shebang. All we get in there and more! And all it takes is signing up and getting in there. Ye could set up a THL 'Group'. Open the Chat and pop us a Link here, all inside ten minutes. Probably faster than any of us could read and respond to this very Post! ;)


Be a step in the right direction, surely? Only, way we're going here, we're just wading further into the bloody mire :(

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Totally agree with this. You can spend an age just scrolling these posts.


What i'm wondering about now,being new to the forum,is when i log in i tend to stay logged in. ie all day,regardless of whether i'm using the forum.


Is this a problem?Should i log out after a visit?




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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Not as long as it's not a problem for you, Stevie. Like, if ye use a shared PC, it'd give who ever else access to your handle. I used to have to use a Cafe PC and once or twice came back, days later, to find myself still logged in. I always shuddered to think some joker might find this place and go on the rampage under my name! :laugh:


Other than that, if ye - like me - use the View New Posts facility, just remember to blat them, top right, before ye go away. Otherwise, being logged in, the stuff ye've read stays listed.


If ye want to log out, do so. When ye come to log in again there's a little box to tick " Keep Me Logged In ". Tick or don't tick that :good:

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