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I'm happy that the topic has been restored an I hope it can become a place to share different hunting stiles from different countries.On the other side I think many users of this forum are not ready for this and will react in a wrong way :cry: .if someone is interested I can start sharing my experience of terrier work here in central Italy and the same thing can be done by hunters from other countries.

Edited by valerio
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so our contest is on 24th of June, and there ll be another one but i do not know the date at the moment. we used to have a big action but it was banned, the best dogs from all over the europe came, last time winner was rough coated teckel. i ll be glad to meet y personaly, may be y find here some good dogs for y, we can make a change of puppies to bring some fresh blood. a lot of issues to talk.

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I start saing that terrier work is very rare here and only a few hunters still do it mainly by family tradition.

Here in tuscany the main quarry for underground work has allways been porcupine,cos it make good food.

due to the warm mediterranean climate is not easy to find fox underground,it happens only in december and jenuary when its colder or in the cubbing season.Terrier work is still done as it was done a century ago,we allways try every thing we can to bolt our quarry,and belive me bolting a 15 kilos porcupine covered in 1 foot long thorns is not an easy task for a dog.Porcupines allways put their back in the dog direction protecting them with the thorns and will simply ignore a bailer so the dog has to make contact and he allways get spiked,thorns are really dangerous and can badly damage or even kill a dog.Most of seasoned porcupine hunting dogs are blind cos of thorns.We dont have locators here and I first know it when I came on the forum.It's a normal thing here to use doubled up dogs.When the dog has the quarry in a stop end and a bolt is not to be we locate it in the old traditional way with ears and bar and we dig using pckaxe and spade.We try our dogs on all the quarry we can find for them B)

This is the way we do it,like it or not.


99% of the dogs used are jagdterriers

Edited by valerio
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Guest Eamon.Mc

Nice to see this thread back again, it's great to hear from our friends that live on the continent that get to give their dogs the greatest of tests on the hardest of game, and I'm not talking about the link that was up either, I'm talking of what they DIG in the field. Keep it comming lads. :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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valerio mate, same as here, i m the first person with the locator, i wrote an artical to the biggest hunting magazine, i found it as a great thing, very helpfull. people here use mainly jagt. and teckels for earth but also borders, fox terriers, welsh terriers, patts... im the first one to use beddie, now few others too

we hunt badgers, foxes, ?beardogs? it looks like badger, sometimes but very rare sakal. but we have earths mainly in hills where live huge badgers, the earth is un diggable, so we wait on them when their coming back home, we shot them or release dog which drawn it or hold it for a second and give us a chance fo dispatching. we hunt badgers from 1.9 to 31.11, foxes all the season, for my dog the hardest test was fight to fox which were protecting pups. y can see pics in my topic out today.

on 21th of november he was nearly killed by a boar but he survived, he was going and goin no matter he was bad injured on the chest, 3weeks after he stoped 80kg female boar and hold until we shot it, on 24.12 he bolt out huge dog fox, my friend missed him, he could be arroud 12kg, it was really huge one, the fox from last sunday was old bitch cca 9kg. we want go out during the weekend but my knee doesn t allowed, so my dog has to wait. valerio please send me the link on my mail matulkoh@yahoo.co.uk thnx some good picks from diggin


ps we doubled dogs just in rare cases, i like diggin in fields, when we re 4-5 persons the badger is not a huge problem, we can reached dog in few minutes, foxes re more easy, when y release dog from 30m from entrance, he fly in and bolt the fox in couple seconds or minutes, but from time to time it takes hours, i love these kind of diggs, the dog get big punishement and just in this cruel test y find out the size of heart of terrier.

Edited by matulkoh
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@ valerio - i never seen one of them porcupine ! Are you the same Italian with the Staff Bull´s ?


@Matulkoh - yoooh the Teckel is also a very often used earth dog here , but nobody is talking about them ! They are also great dog´s in small package ! "Beardog´s" ? Did you mean Racoondog´s ( Enok ) or thoose animal´s we call "Vielfraß" !


found thoose pic´s on the net , so don´t nothing about copywright , will erase them after i had an answer !








Edited by steezy
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@ valerio - i never seen one of them porcupine ! Are you the same Italian with the Staff Bull´s ?


@Matulkoh - yoooh the Teckel is also a very often used earth dog here , but nobody is talking about them ! They are also great dog´s in small package ! "Beardog´s" ? Did you mean Racoondog´s ( Enok ) or thoose animal´s we call "Vielfraß" !


found thoose pic´s on the net , so don´t nothing about copywright , will erase them after i had an answer !









both of them, with beardog i mean racoondog

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@Steezy : no,I only own cross breed boarhounds and my russell.I dont have digital photos of porcupine but you will find on the internet serching for "istrix cristata" the only place in europe where porcupines live is Italy,they were imported from Africa by the ancient Romans

Edited by valerio
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@Steezy : no,I only own cross breed boarhounds and my russell.I dont have digital photos of porcupine but you will find on the internet serching for "istrix cristata" the only place in europe where porcupines live is Italy,they were imported from Africa by the ancient Romans


nice dogs mate here is the link to my friend in Austria, he work parsons to all quarry, grat dogs



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