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I take this articole on the net.



"The quills of crested porcupines serve as an effective defense against predation. When disturbed, they raise and fan quills to create an illusion of greater size (Nowak 1991). If the disturbance continues, they stamp their feet, whirr quills and charge the enemy, back end first, attempting to stab with the thicker, shorter quills (Nowak 1991; Grzimek 1990). Such attacks have been known to kill lions, leopard, hyenas, and humans (Nowak 1991)."

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Small xbreed dogs quite similar to todays jack russells.the first terriers were imported here from England in about 1880 by the noble family of Ginori-Conti who gave them to keepers and farmers to control the pests on their land.they were crossed to local small dogs,there were cross of this type in every farm.The first jagdterriers come here in the late 70s-early 80s and they were preferred to local dogs cos they were harder and stonger.

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valerio, steeze do y think that jagt are harder than other terriers? i d say lots of them, mainly youngsters attack with out thinking, this is for me the biggest difference, in exterier may be the front legs are more powerfull than for example jrt or patts, and also their jaws and teeth, but i d say for example working czechterrier has stronger jaws and legs, but this is just my opinion. they attack immeditialy and fight till the end, but y can find also some bolters and bayers.

guys what s y point of view?

i personnaly prefers beddies and want to try czechterriers. get some new pups on the begining of summer.

Edited by matulkoh
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valerio, steeze do y think that jagt are harder than other terriers? i d say lots of them, mainly youngsters attack with out thinking, this is for me the biggest difference, in exterier may be the front legs are more powerfull than for example jrt or patts, and also their jaws and teeth, but i d say for example working czechterrier has stronger jaws and legs, but this is just my opinion. they attack immeditialy and fight till the end, but y can find also some bolters and bayers.

guys what s y point of view?

i personnaly prefers beddies and want to try czechterriers. get some new pups on the begining of summer.

A few are harder , a few not ! I think it goes more to the harder size combinated with stupidness !

I don´t mean really stupid , because you know they must do a lot of test here ! they must do obdience , retrive , bloodtrail and much more , so they can´t be really stupit ! i think it is the problem with the mind like " you Bite me - i try to bite harder back " and sometimes the quarry got the harder mouth !

Hard to explain - they are not stupit but when they come to work it look´s like in this moment they change to be stupit and a deep we say " Trieb " , don´t now the english word ! The wordbook say ... sprout , driving force or so !



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valerio, steeze do y think that jagt are harder than other terriers? i d say lots of them, mainly youngsters attack with out thinking, this is for me the biggest difference, in exterier may be the front legs are more powerfull than for example jrt or patts, and also their jaws and teeth, but i d say for example working czechterrier has stronger jaws and legs, but this is just my opinion. they attack immeditialy and fight till the end, but y can find also some bolters and bayers.

guys what s y point of view?

i personnaly prefers beddies and want to try czechterriers. get some new pups on the begining of summer.

A few are harder , a few not ! I think it goes more to the harder size combinated with stupidness !

I don´t mean really stupid , because you know they must do a lot of test here ! they must do obdience , retrive , bloodtrail and much more , so they can´t be really stupit ! i think it is the problem with the mind like " you Bite me - i try to bite harder back " and sometimes the quarry got the harder mouth !

Hard to explain - they are not stupit but when they come to work it look´s like in this moment they change to be stupit and a deep we say " Trieb " , don´t now the english word ! The wordbook say ... sprout , driving force or so !




i know what y want to say, hard to describe.

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Hello to all I call myself christian and I write from the Italy, scusatemi for my language doing not know well the English use a translator, but I follow yourselves the same.... I from different years I work in den with of the jagd provenienti from the Yugoslavia, with of the best resulted and posseggo also a patterdale of two years, that itself stà revealing a good worker, between the two races I find a lot of points of contact for working style, both unite to stabs you cadence an abbaio to distances reconciled, pressing the wild one in determined manner .... I send yourselves the photograph of one of my stallions of jagd.... a greeting

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Hello to all I call myself christian and I write from the Italy, scusatemi for my language doing not know well the English use a translator, but I follow yourselves the same.... I from different years I work in den with of the jagd provenienti from the Yugoslavia, with of the best resulted and posseggo also a patterdale of two years, that itself stà revealing a good worker, between the two races I find a lot of points of contact for working style, both unite to stabs you cadence an abbaio to distances reconciled, pressing the wild one in determined manner .... I send yourselves the photograph of one of my stallions of jagd.... a greeting


nice dog good sized.

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Hello to all I call myself christian and I write from the Italy, scusatemi for my language doing not know well the English use a translator, but I follow yourselves the same.... I from different years I work in den with of the jagd provenienti from the Yugoslavia, with of the best resulted and posseggo also a patterdale of two years, that itself stà revealing a good worker, between the two races I find a lot of points of contact for working style, both unite to stabs you cadence an abbaio to distances reconciled, pressing the wild one in determined manner .... I send yourselves the photograph of one of my stallions of jagd.... a greeting


nice dog good sized.





Hello thanks itself he has a very powerful structure, and the powerful framework personally I prefer subjects piu' bull than terrier, I go out a lot to light hunting subjects and exiles are too motionless for the punishments immediately .... a greeting

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