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What are the main coures's of abcesses in ferrets??? Went to vets the vets straight away as soon as i noticed there was something wrong with TAZ my hob, he lost alot of weight in no time and developed a lump on his neck, vet examined him, tempreature was fine, nothing stuck in his throat, he gave me two options, put him down, could be a tumour or try him with antibiotics, i went for the antibiotics, i want to give him at least a chance, hes the best hob ive got!!. Anyway, by the secound day of his course found it to be an abcess as it popped all over my wifes hand, he seems to be putting weight on now, we r using salt water to bath the wound, just hopefully he will come through this. So i just wondered what could have coarsed this coz the vet doesnt honestly know??????

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Could be owt mate a nip of another ferret scratch from the cage etc I usually lance them with a hypodermic needle and squeeze the crap out. Then I clean with hibiscrub and then rub antibiotics into the remaining wound, repeating everyday for a week :thumbs: Always fixes it :yes:



PS do not try this with a hard to handle fezzer it WILL end in carnage :laugh: :laugh: If it's a difficult fezzer get someone to help you :thumbs:

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A lot of vets know sod all about ferrets you can see it in there faces when you open the box, last time i went with one with a abcesses he sliced it open with a scalpel and gave her antibiotics and the other ferrrets kept licking it so it healed from the inside out and didn;t get to build up again

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Keep the wound entry open & bathe in a saline solution .. if it seals over its likely to build up again.. you need to ensure all the rubbish has drained from it before it will heal properly :thumbs: :thumbs:

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Allsorts can cause abcesses, tick head being left in, scratch etc one of my older hobs who passed away a couple of years ago had one which used to come and go i used to get it drained or it would pop, which was caused by a tumour or his throat but was to risky to operate. A mate of mine used to have a jill which did the same but that was,nt tumour related, she lived to a good old age.

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the vet should have known this was an abbses.


this is the best way to deal with them , works evrytime :thumbs: first seperate your ferret. in to a sperate cage


antbiotics,, amoxacilin, crush a tablet up , or empty a capsule in to the the ferrets drinking bottle, make shure its well disolved, its easier if you use hot water, then let it cool in the fridge, when it has hang it back on the cage.


then evryday for a week to ten days break another tab or empty capsule in to its food,, but only use half the tab/capsule.


rather than feed hole carcass, this is the only time i would say use cat food, as the powdered tab can be mixed in to the food.


so evy day the fert gets a dose from the food and also a little bit in its water evytime it drinks :thumbs:

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