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I have a 4 month old Grew and i'm worried about how vocal she is. Haven't done anything with her except bonding, retrieving and obedience training but she's very vocal.

If i don't throw the dummy quick enough, she see's another dog she wants to go play with, she wants to go say hello to someone (like in the park or out on a walk) she gets frustrated and starts yapping like crazy and wont shut up.

Should i be worried and how do i stop the noise?

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Hi bud.Trying to train a pup in a publig park can be a nightmare.Its hard to keep there attention.they want to play with every other dog.Run up to strangers or even chase a plastic bag blowing in the wind. I allways take them some where nice and quite.Well away from everyone.That way the dog will focus more on you.Make it a lot easyer .pays you more attention.:thumbs:

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my whip grey bitch 13months is right whinger at back door, when i go upstairs even when im watching tv and ignore her she whines/barks/yawns at same time trying tell me to scratch her neck!



This is exactly what mine is doing, in fact the only time she is quiet is when she's asleep.

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