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what was your first working dog???

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  On 18/02/2011 at 00:56, pipi said:

Bedlington/grey yap'd its bollocks of because i started it to early :wallbash: eee 23 years ago with a home made head light of a motorbike and acid battery that rotted all my clothes lol eee them were the days :thumbs:

Those were the days :thumbs: no bother from anyone and pretty much a free chance to roam around wherever we liked and caught the odd rabbit :toast: .My first dog was a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 saluki :censored: 26" at the shoulder ,but as agile as fook.He was brilliant on the lamp :toast: but stood over his quarry even if it was 200yds away and was Very hard mouthed.He always looked malnourished,no matter how much he ate.Ran off a cliff in Arbroath when he was about 5yrs old.

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  On 18/02/2011 at 19:43, BEARINATOR said:
  On 18/02/2011 at 19:34, tb25 said:

pat 3 years ago,shes used for bushing and now got a bull x so next sason will be my first and i carnt wait lol


Bring the pair of them up for that weekend trip matewink.gif, that is a nice looking dog BlackKnight

cheers bearinator just wish i had a pic to show you of him when he was fully grown as he had muscles from brussels lol:thumbs:
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Mine was a little JRterrier bitch smooth coat n docked tail


Got her for my 12th bday off a farm where she was born in a barn and her mother fed them on rabbits.


Took her ferreting just to watch from an early age and she ended up being the best little marking / Bushing dog i could wish for, we used to trust her more over the ferrets if she still said theres a rabbit in there!


The ground we worked was hard clay so alot of the buries were very shallow about 1ft deep. if the ferret laid up she would tell you exactly where it was (on occasion) by start looking at the ground turning her head side ta side then start digging. and if you dug where she was thats where the stopend was.


Everything was just instinct with her and came so naturally. She was only short legged so she would never catch one on the run (apart from mixy or young) but that never stopped her trying whilst yappin like fook.


The biggest mistake i made was never getting arunning dog to work alongside her :(

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My first dog was a whippet x ( don't know with what) called Hagler ( after Marvelous Marvin) he came everywhere with me from about 10 years old was no world beater but I thought he was then ( thats over 24 years ago :icon_eek: ). Was never indoors as a kid feel sorry for kids these days I'm scared to let mine out we were out from morning to night in for some tea then out lamping :thumbs:



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