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bought hob ferret, wantin bit ov advise

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  On 17/02/2011 at 13:24, Malt said:
  On 17/02/2011 at 12:20, stubby said:

it would have been far better to ask these questions/read books etc before buying a ferret


read the rules on text talk on this forum :thumbdown:


Agree on both counts..



sorry i have to agree as well i see it far to often dealing with rescue ferrets over the last 10 years, but on a plus side at least ur willing to learn

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How do OZ Folk will be a bit pissed off with another bloke turning up with new ferrets and no clue about them. When you see it as much as us on here you can understand why.

You should have read up before buying, but hey ho, it`s done now.

My advice is to spend the next 24hrs reading this forum and learning,, it`s all here ,just find it :thumbs:


Once you`ve done that,,then come back to find out about what you missed

Good luck


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i wantd to no wat to feed and drink. Thats y put a message out there to find out wat is best wet food or dry food. And to give it milk or water. Ive got the hang ov things just neaded to no wat feeds best and was intersted wat dif people was feading there ferrets. So y shud i ov read the forum

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i wantd to no wat to feed and drink. Thats y put a message out there to find out wat is best wet food or dry food. And to give it milk or water. Ive got the hang ov things just neaded to no wat feeds best and was intersted wat dif people was feading there ferrets. So y shud i ov read the forum

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i wantd to no wat to feed and drink. Thats y put a message out there to find out wat is best wet food or dry food. And to give it milk or water. Ive got the hang ov things just neaded to no wat feeds best and was intersted wat dif people was feading there ferrets. So y shud i ov read the forum

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i wantd to no wat to feed and drink. Thats y put a message out there to find out wat is best wet food or dry food. And to give it milk or water. Ive got the hang ov things just neaded to no wat feeds best and was intersted wat dif people was feading there ferrets. So y shud i ov read the forum

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i wantd to no wat to feed and drink. Thats y put a message out there to find out wat is best wet food or dry food. And to give it milk or water. Ive got the hang ov things just neaded to no wat feeds best and was intersted wat dif people was feading there ferrets. So y shud i ov read the forum

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  On 17/02/2011 at 23:35, the big oz said:

i wantd to no wat to feed and drink. Thats y put a message out there to find out wat is best wet food or dry food. And to give it milk or water. Ive got the hang ov things just neaded to no wat feeds best and was intersted wat dif people was feading there ferrets. So y shud i ov read the forum


Only tryin to help bud,,, phew!

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be for i got one i went out with some lads to find a bit about them and they told me loads so i went out and got one but i got a book to ferrets for dummies lol i know how to keep one but now and a gane i do ask on here for tips that is oly how i am going to lean more


but i oly have one to start me of a nice lil hob does the trick for me but soon i will be geting a lil friend for him i did not wont to get 2 at 1st coz i am new to ferrets he like bing on his own i with him most of my 3 time and playing with him and that




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  On 18/02/2011 at 08:01, mr-lurcher said:

can they have wet cat food?

If you must feed them cat food ,give it dry and make sure they have plenty water.

better to get a complete ferret food. Alpha etc


  On 18/02/2011 at 08:09, the big oz said:

wat help by sayin i shudnt off bought them, rate help pal


I have absolutely no idea what this means.

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