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whats your tipple?

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when your out, up the town or even in the local boozer, whats your fav. tipple? I used to drink vodka redbulls, until a bad experience, ie; three nights on the trot, my heart was pounding the following morning, and felt like a was going to collapse (oh and mis-behaving myself in the town :icon_redface: which gave me 2 of them £80 on the spot fines on seperate nights :icon_redface: )


The vodka redbulls had a double effect on me, one minute i would be knackered with all the alcohol, but the red bull would kick in and i would dancing away, then suddenly run out of energy.


i then discovered a revolutionary new way to get hammered very quick without the sickly alcohol taste, they call it "koppaberg" its cider. they do it "pear" "summer fruits" or "normal cider" i sup the pear stuff, it's just like drinking pop, it goes down easy as out without and sickly after taste, you can sup this stuff all night but all of a sudden it will just wreck you. the first heavy night i had on it, is the night that "her indoors" found out first hand why it wasnt a good idea to go down the town with me :icon_redface: don't get me wrong, i didnt abuse her :tongue2: but i was off my trolley.


It just goes to show, how different drinks can effect you differently........


so, what do you drink?

Edited by Rabbithunter
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Jack Daniel's and coke for me. only problem is, once i start drinking it, i usually can't stop. my bro & his girlfriend got me a litre for crimbo, i'm quite impressed i haven't finished it yet. it can make me quite hyper, and pretty full-on. if i'm drinking JD, the party has to go on all night. if everyone else flakes out? i wake the lightweights up!


if i'm down my local i'll usually have a couple of pints of Buffy's bitter. can't risk going OTT on the JD, cos i live 8 miles from the nearest decent pub, so i gotta drive home (no one to drive me, unfortunately...)


if i'm having a drink at home, it'll usually be a couple of bottles of Sainsbury's Hock. cheap, easy to drink.


my landlord drinks red wine, went to his old years night party, started drinking it by the pint, finished 3 bottles... woke up in my bed at 3pm new years day, feet where my head shoulda been, in a jumper i lost 2 months previously, covered in mud & red wine, with cuts all over the palms of my hands, and very little recollection of how i got like that... wine gives me blackouts. especially Liebfraumilch.


when i was 18 & living in a shared house in norwich, i had 2 main drinks (apart from JD & coke) - a lethal cocktail called "Jellybean" now legendary amongst my friends (in a pint glass: 1 shot each Bacardi, vodka, gin, Pernod, big splash of blackcurrant, top up with lemonade), or a very cheap fortified wine called Tudor Rose, which turns you into a red-misted psycho when someone pisses you off. ah, great days!


got 2 gallons of plum wine on the go in my landlords shed, and 10 bottles of sloe gin under the kitchen sink as well.


heres a page i was prompted to create a couple of years ago, due to the overwhelming demands of my friends:

The Ossie Guide to Getting Pissed on the Cheap

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Guinness for me too :good: Over here it's either that, Bullmers Cider out of a can or some shit called " Smythwicks " Bitter which, IMPO tastes like piss.


At home, in a good week, I finish off with some well measured JD.


How does it make me act? Well, the one time I had one too many Guinnii in the pub, I was chattering away to a mate when the subject turned to Terriers. We touched on various types and I was giving him a few pointers on what differant ones were. He said something about Lakelands and I, like a c***, in the middle of a crowded pub in Eire, opened my f*cking throat and rather Too loudly corrected him! " No, mate " I bellowed. " They're the Black 'n Tans! " ..... :icon_eek: ..... The air was f*cking Electric! I nearly shattered my glass I clutched it so tightly! Last time I ever allow myself to get so 'Loose' in public again!


At home, alone in my privacy? I'm no better. I sit here getting quietly more mellow - or so I Think! - Then I start writing more and more outrageous replies to Posts! Some of what ye see from me here ye may just put down to ... well, god knows what?! But the Real doodys? Thankfully, I have a tendancy to bore myself. Lose my way. Or just come over exhausted. They're the ones I copy to WordPad and go to bed in the middle of.


Then I wake up, glance at what I almost posted and, with an inward groan, delete the f*ckin lot! :laugh:

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