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10,000 id take his arm off

tell him to sell it and buy a computer ,then he can come on and talk shite for himself.

ground frozen for most of december, thawed for only 2/3 days, don`t think hares were at there best till after christmas

I have never sold a dog, got offered £3k for one of my Shepherds years ago and laughed, as no way i was i parting with that dog, and to be honest i didn't need the cash, but times change, as do situations, but although its easy to say my dogs going nowhere the truth is if i was offered 10k for a dog how could i turn it down with a mortgage to pay and children to look after.........

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I know coursing lads that will bet for £10,000 at a time, they can make 10k and still have they're dog in the kennel, if the dogs that good I'd get some serious bets on the and make the money that way, then you will have a dog that is also worthy of a very large stud fee IMO

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tell him to sell it and buy a computer ,then he can come on and talk shite for himself.

you saying im talking shite big lad??

well heres the thing wee lad,money wise i dont think your talking shite as i heard of this before you put it up,mabye not the same dog but two dogs at that price in the same week odds are against it. so iam guessing its your dog that was getting talked about.but as you said it was your mates dog why would you want to broadcast this . thats what is shite .i was out with a guy today and he mentioned about a lurcher and same amount of money .this guy doesnt go on lurcher sites.so the news is spreading, mabye thats what you wanted ,who knows.

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tell him to sell it and buy a computer ,then he can come on and talk shite for himself.

you saying im talking shite big lad??

well heres the thing wee lad,money wise i dont think your talking shite as i heard of this before you put it up,mabye not the same dog but two dogs at that price in the same week odds are against it. so iam guessing its your dog that was getting talked about.but as you said it was your mates dog why would you want to broadcast this . thats what is shite .i was out with a guy today and he mentioned about a lurcher and same amount of money .this guy doesnt go on lurcher sites.so the news is spreading, mabye thats what you wanted ,who knows.

right boys is the dog sold r not r is this a bundle of shite
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friend of mine has been offerd £10,000 for a dog by guys over in england and hes not sure he whats to sell, his dog won a few good competitions here in northern ireland and he heads over to england and the dog runs very well over there,hes just back today and told me that it killed 11 out of 12 big ears over 3 days then he got offerd £6000 first then another fella said he would give him £7000 then it went to £8000 and the final offer was £10,000 the dog goes by the name "lucas" for anybody who knows of the dog!! what yous think about this and would you sell or keep the dog? i dont want to give to much info about the dog as its not mine!! (tommy.c) :thumbs:



Sounds like bullshite to me,, but hey ho,,,,,,,:icon_eek: .






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i got offered 2 grand for a sal x gh i had in 1984,but i was a young lad still living at my parents without a care in the world and i turned it down,i didnt need the money i would rather have my dog,and yes they did try an nick him :censored: we had to bring him indoors from then on,but if it happened now,with the mortgage and kids and everything else im afraid id rip his fooking hand off :thumbs:

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