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how do you treat your dogs ears if they split them open or tear them on barbed wire,my dogs have had loads over the years but never bad enough to need stitches,infact thats probably debatable as im no vet but iv managed to get the bleeding to stop after a good clean with salt water then i generaly leave them be,as we all know they bleed for england if you muck about with them to much,once a nice dry scab has formed,well usualy by then your home free,so was just wondering what you do initialy.

recently took on a pet mutt and had him out today with the lurchers il get the bugger bushing if it kills me :laugh: but he did find his first barbed wire fence a bit of a challenge so to speek :doh:

cheers rob

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never had a dog split or cut one but one of my pups bit the end of her mums off well about 3mm of the end and to this day it is still no fully healed every time she shakes her head or knocks it on something she opens it up dose my head in. just have to keep it clean and make sure it dont get infected.

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i asked this few weeks ago watchman, time, superglue was the answer. i vaseline my bitch ear tips when going doing some hard bushing with her. it makes such a mess when she knocks it blood all over head from shaking head!

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i asked this few weeks ago watchman, time, superglue was the answer. i vaseline my bitch ear tips when going doing some hard bushing with her. it makes such a mess when she knocks it blood all over head from shaking head!

nice one cheers mate,iv often thought of dipping the ear in hot candle wax to seal it up :hmm::blink::D

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  • 2 weeks later...

If its a bad tear I secure the dog's ear to the top of its head wrapped in cotton wool and fixed in place with vetwrap and elastoplast to stop it opening up every time the dog shakes it head. A few days immobilised usually allows it to start healing well enough to take the bandage off: once the blood vessels have properly sealed up there's not usually a problem, though bad bites/tears might need longer. Change bandage every couple of days but leave the bloody dried up bit of cotton wool round the tear as it acts like a scab: it comes away with the scab when the time is right.

First pic shows holding ear on top of head:


Second pic shows head Vetwrapped from the other side allowing the undamaged ear to hang normally. It is useful to have four hands when doing this!


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If its a bad tear I secure the dog's ear to the top of its head wrapped in cotton wool and fixed in place with vetwrap and elastoplast to stop it opening up every time the dog shakes it head. A few days immobilised usually allows it to start healing well enough to take the bandage off: once the blood vessels have properly sealed up there's not usually a problem, though bad bites/tears might need longer. Change bandage every couple of days but leave the bloody dried up bit of cotton wool round the tear as it acts like a scab: it comes away with the scab when the time is right.



really should think about bying that book of yours,trouble is you keep giving all the info away for nothing :D:thumbs:

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