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  On 13/02/2011 at 17:16, AngelicAcid said:

Shit customer service, one of their locators was 3 and a half foot out, used corectly, and tested afterwards by them once i sent it back, yes, it was out by 3 foot easy.

They said its only a guyide line, refused to replace, and i got the item back.

Needles to say its been the mk1 ever since.

But at 3 and a half foot off, its life or death isnt it, not to them, now morfe like money or not.

I even told them how they could improve on their sytems, but hey ho they didnt give a f**k.

On the other hand,the lamps are spot, on, only the lens, trigger and wiring, oh and the batteries have f****d up. :blink:

I had exactly the same thing a snootey woman said its only a guide any way I said I know but 3ft out on a 2ft dig is that as good as it gets ?. She then said after a while well you can send it back if you want but thats as good as it gets and theres nothing we can do to it , so I said in that case I want my money back, she said sorry take it up with your shop. My box was 2months old and it was first time out with it. They are crap.

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an as far as the lithium batterys go ffs, dont get me started, all that money an for what, a seriously shoddy bit of workmanship, maybe i lamp more than a lot, but the plug where the lamp connects to battery is nowt less than shite :blink:


like the battery alot but your bang on about the plug ,thing is with deben they make the product and just put it on the market with out being field tested proerly .i have to tape my plug onto my battery or its forever pulling loose ,the filters are noisy and impossible to remove and replace with out make tons of noise and clearing a field in seconds (ive cut all legs of mine and sanded down inside the rim )just to make it more qiuete and easier to remove and replace .so thats best part of £250 and you still have to mess about with it .the mk 2 and 3 locators were put on the market with out being tested proerly and there was a lot of disapointed people .although i have a striker and have had no problems with the wireing i do think its the best lamp ive used apart from the blitz and am well happy with it, but a few pounds spent on field research could have made these lamps a lot better and for the money we are spending i think were owed that :thumbs: oh and i rang them asking if they would sell me a variable switch for my striker ,they said no but send it back and they,ll fit it for 50 -60 pounds :blink: wankers

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My mark3 collar reads3 ft at 1 foot :icon_eek: . The lithiom batterys are lets face it are a serious price,and that plug is a complete disaster,Nothing worse than going lamping and worrying how long before the lamp go`s out.For that reason i have never brought one of there lamps.Good ideas but nothing quite finished. :thumbdown:

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  On 13/02/2011 at 17:16, AngelicAcid said:

one of their locators was 3 and a half foot out, used corectly, and tested afterwards by them once i sent it back, yes, it was out by 3 foot easy.



Are you using it correctly? I had the same problem but after speaking to Deben it turns out the signal is directional, so if you put the collar flat on the ground and measure horizontally it will show it as further away as the signal is weaker in that plane. I felt a bit of idiot as this was quite clear in the instructions and when I did it properly it was spot on! You need to measure straight up.

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I had a great experience with them, i had a MK3m collar for 11 moths when it just stopped working, i emailed them my paypal receipt as i bought it from a tackle shop on ebay, they then replied with a ref number, then within a week of sending off my collar they sent me a brand new one, no charge!!!! Superb people to deal with in my opinion :victory: :victory:

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  On 15/02/2011 at 17:37, ducky poo said:
  On 13/02/2011 at 17:16, artic said:

I was going to buy a Striker variable and lithium battery tomorrow, second thoughts come to mind. :blink:


What is out there that is reliable??????

blitz and a deben 12v 18 amp battery :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: :whistling:




so you fixed it then :whistling:

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