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Right lads, I need some advice please. :)


We need to get a small stock of Nightforce scopes in the shop for people to view prior to purchase...trouble is, at over £1000 per scope, I don't want to hold more than half a dozen! :blink:


So the question is this: given a choice of any, which reticle would you go for? This link may help:




If you already have a Nightforce, have you been genuinely pleased with your choice of reticle, or do you wish you had chosen a different one?


I'll post the same question on the other forums as well and hopefully will be able to make an informed decision...for what its worth, our own demo rifle has the 5.5-22 x 56 NXS with the NP-2DD reticle.


Looking forward to your opinions,


Cheers. :)

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I have the npr-2 deako, in the nxs 12-42 x 56 model.Bear in mind, this model, will almost solely be used by a target shooter, for extreme long range [1000 yards] it needs this type of reticle, with multi aimpoints [which are actually miliradian] to be of use to said target shooter. We are just placing our first order for stock models too.If people realised how little a shop makes on a nightforce, they would understand why people are reluctant to stock them, the mark up is truly shit.

The new schmidt and bender ft scope, is going to blow the nightforce into the weeds, IF the parallax adjuster will work at long range, my friend had input into it, and will be field testing it shortly, watch this space.

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I just couldn't believe how low the mark up was on the Nightforce either!! :icon_eek::icon_eek:


How can it be that there is more profit on a £250 Deben Hawk scope than a £1200 Nightforce? :cry:


That said, I just 'kin love the scope with its NP-2DD ret, really does inspire confidence on the longest fox. :D:D:D

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