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Number 1 quarry

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If you could hunt any quarry, in any country, with your choice of tool i.e firearm, dog, trap.

What would it be, where would it be, what would you use to do it, and lastly WHY.

please no "pulling down a rhino, in longleat, with my single handed beddy whippet,pre ban of course, just so i can write about on thl"



I'd love to shoot a red stag, in ireland (close to home), with a .308, the reason why is, i'd love to be able to stalk it over the mountains on my door step, taking shots first with camera, then a single shot from the .308

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its got to be a legal hare,nowt like it,atb jamiew

.....after watching 'Swamp People' on the Discovery Channel the other night I would fancy having a go at alligator hunting in Louisianna :thumbs: .... they bait a line in the swamp and later on see if the gator has took the bait then they pull it to the surface :cry: and you have to try and put a bullet in its head before you get draggged over board and eaten !:gunsmilie: ..... I imagine that would get the adrenaline going.


.....alternatively I would have to have a go at shooting coyote.:thumbs:

Edited by dave1372
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