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If you could have a conversation with anyone past or present who would it be?

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I should like to sit and have a chat with my granddad he raised me and died when I was 16 I should just like him to have met his great grandkids.

enoch powell to tell him he was right

I'd like to apologise to the hookers under my patio.

Genral Custer before the battle of little bighorn about his preferd hunting dog.Spike Milligan because i always found him funny.

spike milligan brilliant and for a good talk about,my kind of stuff jack hargreaves off old country not a lot of people will remember im.

Jack hosted "OUT OF TOWN"... Brilliant show , i think anyone 35 plus and has a love off the countryside will remember him , i had a video off his , lent it out and cant remember who too , on it he had a man off 100 fishing , the old boy was a RUM old fella.

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Genral Custer before the battle of little bighorn about his preferd hunting dog.Spike Milligan because i always found him funny.

spike milligan brilliant and for a good talk about,my kind of stuff jack hargreaves off old country not a lot of people will remember im.

Jack hosted "OUT OF TOWN"... Brilliant show , i think anyone 35 plus and has a love off the countryside will remember him , i had a video off his , lent it out and cant remember who too , on it he had a man off 100 fishing , the old boy was a RUM old fella.


I remember him skinning a rabbit on a TV programme called HOW he'd be jailed if he did it these days :blink:

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I'd like to talk to Allah to tell him what a dirty nonce he is/was!


King George III, he'd of been some laugh I bet.


I think you mean mohamed and you and King George would be well suited methinks :whistling:


No I didn't mean the Prophet, Allah told him it's all right to beast 9 year old girls so he's the Nonce almighty!

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There's quite a few. Really good topic.


Alive - would have to be tony blair. He has some dark secrets. Also love to make his squirm for the whole hunting act debacle.


Dead- possibly joeseph mengele. Possibly the most evil man in history.


Couple of the original old school terriermen who started the ball rolling.



Also either rihana or shakira and bend them right over the interview table.



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I'd like to talk to Allah to tell him what a dirty nonce he is/was!


King George III, he'd of been some laugh I bet.


I think you mean mohamed and you and King George would be well suited methinks :whistling:


No I didn't mean the Prophet, Allah told him it's all right to beast 9 year old girls so he's the Nonce almighty!

:icon_eek: nah,hes second to TOPNOTCH :rolleyes::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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There's quite a few. Really good topic.


Alive - would have to be tony blair. He has some dark secrets. Also love to make his squirm for the whole hunting act debacle.


Dead- possibly joeseph mengele. Possibly the most evil man in history.


Couple of the original old school terriermen who started the ball rolling.



Also either rihana or shakira and bend them right over the interview table.





mengele think you would have a better convo with Reinhard Heydrich lol

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