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Shooting permission

Guest houndblair

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Guest houndblair

Well me and a friend used to shoot on a farm that i ferret, untill the farmers wife decided she did not like air rifles and people of our age using them and would prefer us to stick to ferreting. We have had very good shooting in there with crows/woodies rabbits etc And need some advice/tips for asking people about shooting permission on there land!

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hi i have had the same problem as you with asking for the permission, i got loads of rely good infro from the lads on here and i put it into use. the best thing to do is aproach the people face to face, be polite and allways thank them for their time ect even if they dont give you it, its allways worth just being polite. the best thing you can do is just ask aslong you can prove you are responseable ect there should be no problem. it could be worth telling were else you were shooting at ?? to prove you have had experince and not just gun ho. hope all go well and [bANNED TEXT] can get some ideas from this.

all the best tim

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well just go for it thats all you got to do, but then agen i only got that info cus i was in your shoes only yesterday lol but the lads on here gave me all the info i needed. :clapper: and it work for me lol so what are you lookin to shoot then any thing inpartcular, i chose my farm becuase it is teeming with rabbits and i hve seen a cupple with mixy so thats why i been given the opertunity to shoot. [bANNED TEXT] rifle [bANNED TEXT] shoot and cal?? wb

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hello mate you dont say how old you are but you would benefit from some sort of shooting insurance :yes: this would show prospective permission granters you are responsible and have insurance incase of an accident the NGO are the cheapest at £25 per year with a five million liability once you are insured ask your farmer again explaining about your cover you may get the shooting back you never know ;)

Edited by woodga
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Guest houndblair

IM 16 NEALRY 17, got insurance on my Countryside Alliance membership! But as i said im going to have a chat with some local famrers and i hope it all goes down well. Im hoping to shoot mainly birds like woodies/magys n crows dont really like shooting rabbits prefer to leave em for my ferrets!

Edited by houndblair
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Guest houndblair

yeh but i dont own it, i shoot with it!! But saying this the guns belong to a mate who is also my age but his dad bought em for him! Im hoping to get my own [bANNED TEXT] im 17 in 2 months :victory:

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