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making long nets

jak n meg

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can [NO TEXT TALK] who has any experiance in making longnets and wouldent mind tutoring me and taking me through the process of making 1 be so kind as 2 do so, i hav made purse nets but dont know how 2 set about making a long net any helpfull advice is very welcome such as do's and dont's any pics of the stages would be greatfull aswell.


Thanxs Jak

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Once you have made one you will probably vow to never make another!


As Rabbit hunter said - once you have the width to your own preference (16 in my case as I value the extra bag) just keep knitting. Once you have made a yard or two just hook it up again near the end and start to stow the finished part in a bag, and repeat until you have got as much as you want, remember the net will reduce by 1/3rd when set if done properly (150 yards of netting for 100 yard net)


Good luck!



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  OldTrapCollector said:
Once you have made one you will probably vow to never make another!


As Rabbit hunter said - once you have the width to your own preference (16 in my case as I value the extra bag) just keep knitting. Once you have made a yard or two just hook it up again near the end and start to stow the finished part in a bag, and repeat until you have got as much as you want, remember the net will reduce by 1/3rd when set if done properly (150 yards of netting for 100 yard net)


Good luck!





RE: bagging, i always use 100% bagging, ie 200yards makes 100 yards net. but its each to his own


I have made two nets and in fact i have vowed to make all my longnets myself :good: except for a few 6z nets i would use on different ground :ph34r:

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Im making a 50 yard double selvedge net just now, i just tie it in with a loop of twine every 50 rows so i can keep track of how many rows are in it and keep it neat and all together, and just keep going and going and going lol :thumbs-up:








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looks like a good net there nathan, im going to start on a 20/9 spun poly net very soon aswell.


How long are you doing the net?


OLDTRAPCOLLECTOR it is freely available from www.engel-netze.de postage is 15 euro's though, which is about £7 i think. it works out about £10 a kilo, there abouts.


JAK N MEG, i allow a minute a row, so it works out something like 28 hours for a 50 yard net with 100% bagging

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