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a morning out with the ferts.

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woke up to a fine morning,the kids had been nagging me to go ferreting for ages so as i had finished off a couple of nets i got the kit together.


this particular bit of permission never hold many rabbits but its good practice for the kids.


once we were there we set about putting the hand made nets down.







not having many nets we searched out the regularly used holes,having had wet weather recently they were easy to spot.


we found old brock stuck in the mouth of a rabbit hole,looked fresh too.




with all the nets set we put the 2 jills down,we dont dig or use locators ,preferring the old ways as you might expect.

there was a rustle in the bracken and to one side i saw a rabbit bolt,the white drawstring of the purse net run taught quickly followed by a ferret! this was duly dispatched with a foot in the hole,then another net placed.



this was to be the only rabbit of the day,i guess old brock had scarred a few off!

heres some more pics from the day:








then jack paunched the rabbit,feeding the liver,kidneys and heart to the ferts.



all in all a memorable couple of hours.







when we got home we put the rabbit in the freezer ready for a cooking session with Hugh f Wittingstalls head chef next week for the BBC.

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