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lampers in kent

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This thread has been a real eye opener.


There are more bell ends on here than I first thought.




Lads who are saying ring police before and after lamping? This is just putting a divide between you lads and poachers. And makes lads like me who work Permission look like a poacher for not ringing fuzz and explaining my every move?




Your full of it fella, if the permission requires all lamping to be reported to the land owner and the police, then thats what happens, if your permission asked this of you i'm sure that if yiou are a respectful person then you would do it. AND AS FOR CAUSING A DIVIDE, WHAT A STUPID STATEMENT :wallbash: There is a clear divide already, not least in the eyes of the landowners, poaching is exactly what it says on the tin :hmm: , you seem to think of the police as one mind, and one 'agenda', you couldn't be more wrong. paranoia will really mess you up unless you understand that. The comment 'And makes lads like me who work Permission look like a poacher for not ringing fuzz and explaining my every move?' Is even more ridiculous :doh: i won't even begin to try and explain the stupidity this portrays.


Any way, good luck to all of those looking for permission, persevere, and do things on the landowners terms and you should do well for yourselves.




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Doing their job? Ha Ha Ha. f*****g idiot.

big zook=wildlife officer

Big Zook- What are you playing at? Stopping lampers = doing there job?   With lads like you in the game the antis can put there feet up and watch.   Gaz

The more you give in to requests by authorities to document your movements the higher probablity that it will become a law and then you will open yourself up for more control.

Farmers should take more responsibilty for their property like the rest of society to guard against theift.

With people keep letting the authorities errod peoples liberities it won't be long before there is a curfew installed.

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The more you give in to requests by authorities to document your movements the higher probablity that it will become a law and then you will open yourself up for more control.

Farmers should take more responsibilty for their property like the rest of society to guard against theift.

With people keep letting the authorities errod peoples liberities it won't be long before there is a curfew installed.



Thats an interesting view, however i don't believe the UE would ever allow such a measure.

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The more you give in to requests by authorities to document your movements the higher probablity that it will become a law and then you will open yourself up for more control.

Farmers should take more responsibilty for their property like the rest of society to guard against theift.

With people keep letting the authorities errod peoples liberities it won't be long before there is a curfew installed.



Thats an interesting view, however i don't believe the UE would ever allow such a measure.


Wait until the EU bring in the same requirements in the UK as Germany. Written tests and compensating farmers for damage to crops from Boar you are paying to control.

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Thats an interesting view, however i don't believe the UE would ever allow such a measure.


Wait until the EU bring in the same requirements in the UK as Germany. Written tests and compensating farmers for damage to crops from Boar you are paying to control.


That would surely be a sad day my friend :thumbdown:

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BIG ZOOK R U A COPPER MUSH y put a comment like tht on when c**ts like tht would rather be out spoilin our sport then gewin for peadofiles and rapist etc



not really an informed comment there fella. paedophiles and rapists don't generally make themselves as easy to catch as fellas walking around with a big torch on. if a 'crime' presents itself, then surely by their very definition they need to police the offending behaviours, whether those offences are deemed minor or otherwise :hmm:

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BIG ZOOK R U A COPPER MUSH y put a comment like tht on when c**ts like tht would rather be out spoilin our sport then gewin for peadofiles and rapist etc



not really an informed comment there fella. paedophiles and rapists don't generally make themselves as easy to catch as fellas walking around with a big torch on. if a 'crime' presents itself, then surely by their very definition they need to police the offending behaviours, whether those offences are deemed minor or otherwise :hmm:


Are you "The Filth" by any chance...........................:laugh:

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BIG ZOOK R U A COPPER MUSH y put a comment like tht on when c**ts like tht would rather be out spoilin our sport then gewin for peadofiles and rapist etc



not really an informed comment there fella. paedophiles and rapists don't generally make themselves as easy to catch as fellas walking around with a big torch on. if a 'crime' presents itself, then surely by their very definition they need to police the offending behaviours, whether those offences are deemed minor or otherwise :hmm:


Are you "The Filth" by any chance...........................:laugh:


If you listen to the missis she'll tell you im Filthy :icon_redface: , other than that, no, i'm not on that payroll lol, Cheers for asking tho Artic mate :thumbs:

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very hot in kent police stopping lots of lads got stopped last night had no probs.




Was is just poaching any game or specifically hares?

If it was hares, was this under an operation called "Orchard" i have heard something about that on the grape vine. the suggestion was it was an "Anti Hare Coursing" excercise, down near the coast. The story i heard involved a farmer stopping a lad walking a longdog on a footpath, basically politely telling him that if he had designs on the hares he should not bother and go away. literally as politely as that. the fella did and within hours the area had a considerable amount of police around and some cars were searched. obviously you would only be nicked for being physically seen running hares.


In reagards these lads charged for being in posession of a rabbit, dog and ferret. I am a bit skeptical that a police officer would have any real case against a lad, his dog and dead rabbits in a car travelling along the road. i mean there is no way you could prove where the game was caught , unless they were on private property and caught in the act of poaching? Also i have never encountered police asking for permission letters off of a property. just seems like there might be more to that story. not having a pop at anyone but it seems too extreme a reaction on the part of the police.


all the best,



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