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helping at a hunt

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hi all

i would like to know the likelyhood of me getting a weekend job at a hunt to earn a bit of much needed money . i have had experiance with hunts, but more the terrier side mainly digging with my granddad and uncle and i havent worked at a kennal or with hounds atall. so basically i would like to know if there would be a chance of helping at a hunt in west sussex ( petworth area ) at the weekends . i know hunts can be abit touchy about letting people they dont know in , and rightly so but its worth a try . any contact details would be good , thanks for reading ...


ATB Nathgoon...

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I should think if your keen and interested plus local then you should have no probs at all and if you have family who are hunt terriermen it will be a breeze, but I dont think you stand a chance of being paid.

did'nt like to tell the kid that just thought once he was in he would'nt think about money,just nice to be amongst the hounds at a personal level. frightening for a kid(or anyone if the truth be told) at first being in a run with 20 couples but the rewards soon allay any fears.(personal opinion) :thumbs:

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thanks for the help quys , i think ill send a email and see what happens .the fact is im not doing anything at the weekends at the moment so going and helping a hunt for nowt doesnt fase me to much money would just be a bonus i suppose :thumbs:

Good attitude to have, being a huntsman myself i know that very few hunts have spare cash floating around nowadays , unless you go and ask the DoB or Heythrop, even the big lads haven't got the money they used to have, i have a couple of young lads that help me when they can , they come cos they want to , but i try to see them right from my own pocket, they're keen and becoming quite useful , so i like to keep them that way, if it costs me a 20 here and 20 there its worth it in m opinion

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