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Thursday and Friday's efforts

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Now then airgunners!


I got to have a little trip to my new permission on Thursday morning. As I drove into the property all the rooks flew off, and I wasn't in the mood (too impatient!) to sit still and await their return, so I just spent a while wandering around with my Ultra.

Took this bunny with a 25 yard standing shot.



Point of impact:


I know the shot placement looks a little far forward to be perfect, but the angle at which the shot was presented meant this was the best place for the shot- it dropped with just one kick of a back leg.


I went again on Friday morning. I didn't have long as my missus had me under strict instructions to be back in time for our boy's play-date!


First and only shot of the trip dropped me a woody. Except it didn't exactly drop that easily! Due mostly to my error, I placed the shot a little low, and the pellet entered just under the fold of the wing. The pigeon flew for a good hundred yards before dropping out of the sky like a stone - fortunately still within the boundary of my permission! I've opened it up to have a look, and the pellet just grazed the heart. Live and learn.


After the play date, I had to get out again, so I went back! I settled myself under a tree and waited. Dropped two more woodies at about 40 yards.


Here's the day's final bag:




Cheers all


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