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yet another problem with my air arms!!!

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hey guys,


i put up a post about 4 weeks ago about a cocking handle problem. i brought my 3 month old air arms S410 back to the shop and had it fixed.

4 weeks on, yet another problem. :wallbash:


the cocking handle has come loose. and in it turns too high and low and randomely decides if it will cock back at all sometimes.


i know its a poor description but i dont know how else to describe it :blink:


:blink: any help is greatly appreciated



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if it won't cock all the way back at all, it may be that your trigger is set too light. have a look at the manual about adjusting the weight of pull on your trigger and see if that helps. thats about all i can suggest though mate, sorry. i have heard that air arms after service is very good though so maybe if your guns relatively new and still having problems they might swap it for a new un. all the best with it anyway.

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thanks for the help. the trigger is still on factory setting. it seems as if, where as it had a clear cocking action and cocking path before that now its loose, and feeble and that it has no clear action. i unfortunately think it may be the mechanism. but due to the ani tamper i hope it isnt :blink:

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Its just the bolt ( allen key head ) that hold the bolt ( cocking bolt ) in place . It has nothing to do with the AT , or the trigger setting .


Hey alex, bust realy knows his suff mate and you will probably find his diagnosis correct, try It :thumbs:


If it is what bust says its probably the most simple fix ever :thumbs:



I dont know mussle from cheek piece but this guy definatly does :laugh:


I have had a problem with my cocking bolt being loose when engaged, davy suggested I add an extra o ring and it worked a treat, heck he even braught one with him and poped it on for me when he came over.


Get back on here if you dont get it sorted, id be surprised if bust is wrong tho :thumbs:


.atb. .ste.

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