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looking for a whippet

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People are all hung up on this whippets are soft dogs that hate the cold and injure easily , Iv had 10 or more from various lines all worked rain hail or shine day and nite kenneled happily without heating all year round. It infact baffle's me what people think the small lurchers have that a whippet doesnt a whippet is smart , fast , agile and bidable with plenty fire in there belly iv worked and owned various whippet based lurchers under 21" and in my eye's none of the x's were any better than a good whippet as rabbiting dogs.

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I'm running a whippet these days, last dog was a saluki/whippet/grey.


The pure whippet is a great little rabbiting dog but mine injures and tears easily compared to the hardblood x saluki. Over the last few months he's knocked up toes several times, cut himself on most hedges and done a hock without me noticing him take a bad knock in the field whereas I never had any probs with the last one.


Not knocking whippets at all as apart from his injuries mine's been a good hound. He's like the proverbial off a shovel when you slip him, never shivers or yips and will tackle anything he's pointed at.

Edited by vanquo
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Whippets are great little dogs mine was brill and hard as nails, but they just don't handle standing in cold weather as well as the lurchers ive owned. That said it never once stopped mine doing its job, but they are much more susceptible to the cold wet weather ...and why wouldn't they be with such thin skin and coat.

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I agree 100% about standing about wet but tbh i never expect mine to be stood aroung wet i always dry them down i wouldnt like to be drenched and standing about myself that would be the only time i have a bit thought in the back of my head that ill get them dry as soons im back at the car mainly to prevent them picking up a chill and getting any sort of problems and time of due to it. So for working in the rain regularly and not from a vehacle id have a small halfx collie or beddy . It does baffle me though what point anyone see's in a smooth coated 3/4 or 5/8 beddy whipp or collie whip cause most are virtualy identicle to a whippet with no extra benifit maybe just less speed than the pure whippet thats where i see little point in breeding the x breed. I do like a broken coat dog mind but its not realy needed where and how i work mine.

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