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rescue greyhounds

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right theres a women hows lives down the road from me she has two rescue greyhounds one 18months and one 4yrs old the thing is she walks them past my place everyday round the block and home ,so i was out side when she walked past and we had a good chat as she sees mine all the time and i happend to mention that they looked a little over weight didnt want to offend they just did, so i asked if maybe they could do with a bit more exercise and she replyed they go round the block everyday so i said that really isnt enough, anyway she mentioned they had never even been of the lead since theyve been with her anyway long stoy short if you rescue a greyhound and walk it round the block for the rest of its life never of the lead whats in the rescue for the dog ,they must be bord out there minds ,i personally dont see how your helping them



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I never let my greys off a lead either,only at the track.although she could prob walk them a bit more.however bit cheeky telling her how far to walk her dogs lol

better getting a walk round the block and being opver fed than hanging from a bridge with a rope round thier necks.or getting kicked from pillar to post.

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I never let my greys off a lead either,only at the track.although she could prob walk them a bit more.however bit cheeky telling her how far to walk her dogs lol

better getting a walk round the block and being opver fed than hanging from a bridge with a rope round thier necks.or getting kicked from pillar to post.



i see [bANNED TEXT] your saying but i think you should be able to offer them a bit more than that if your gonna take one on , yes it was a bit cheeky but if you seen um they wobble past my place to much love in the food department not enough love in the exercise department

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them

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Both my greyhounds spend 90% of the time asleep .. they are not a problem & certainly dont have endless energy.. my bitch is off the lead on walks & is basically knackered after a walk & a 2 mins burst of energy run off


I genuinely dont think they need hours of walking daily .. there lazy dogs generally .. both mine like walks but i don think they suffer because there not run on a daily basics ...


if i had dogs that killed anything in sight they wouldn't get loosed off the lead period

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them


Genuine question .. what do you sugest that owners of ex racing greys do with there dogs other than walk them ?


The whole point of me keeping these is they are easy to live with & low maintainence .. if i wanted summat that needed entertaining i would have got a collie :laugh::thumbs:

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them


Genuine question .. what do you sugest that owners of ex racing greys do with there dogs other than walk them ?


The whole point of me keeping these is they are easy to live with & low maintainence .. if i wanted summat that needed entertaining i would have got a collie :laugh::thumbs:



Theres low maintenance and then theres the people near me that keep them that literally walk them for 2 mins til they pee and poo then straight back inside. I know they dont need huge amounts of exercise but its still nice for them to get out even if its just a walk though the woods or on the beach once every now and then.

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them


Genuine question .. what do you sugest that owners of ex racing greys do with there dogs other than walk them ?


The whole point of me keeping these is they are easy to live with & low maintainence .. if i wanted summat that needed entertaining i would have got a collie :laugh::thumbs:


not sure really i havent got an answer to the problem maybe let um run out at bit once a day i surpose with the amount of exercise my animals get its just hard to watch these things wobbling round the place ,also i didnt realise greyhounds are lazy dogs ive never owned one

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them


Genuine question .. what do you sugest that owners of ex racing greys do with there dogs other than walk them ?


The whole point of me keeping these is they are easy to live with & low maintainence .. if i wanted summat that needed entertaining i would have got a collie :laugh::thumbs:



Theres low maintenance and then theres the people near me that keep them that literally walk them for 2 mins til they pee and poo then straight back inside. I know they dont need huge amounts of exercise but its still nice for them to get out even if its just a walk though the woods or on the beach once every now and then.

now thats what i mean nail on the head

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them


Genuine question .. what do you sugest that owners of ex racing greys do with there dogs other than walk them ?


The whole point of me keeping these is they are easy to live with & low maintainence .. if i wanted summat that needed entertaining i would have got a collie :laugh::thumbs:



Theres low maintenance and then theres the people near me that keep them that literally walk them for 2 mins til they pee and poo then straight back inside. I know they dont need huge amounts of exercise but its still nice for them to get out even if its just a walk though the woods or on the beach once every now and then.


I think the same can be said of any type or breed of dog not just greyhounds ... cant say i have specifically timed how long i am out with mine but if it helps i will :laugh:

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them


Genuine question .. what do you sugest that owners of ex racing greys do with there dogs other than walk them ?


The whole point of me keeping these is they are easy to live with & low maintainence .. if i wanted summat that needed entertaining i would have got a collie :laugh::thumbs:



Theres low maintenance and then theres the people near me that keep them that literally walk them for 2 mins til they pee and poo then straight back inside. I know they dont need huge amounts of exercise but its still nice for them to get out even if its just a walk though the woods or on the beach once every now and then.


I think the same can be said of any type or breed of dog not just greyhounds ... cant say i have specifically timed how long i am out with mine but if it helps i will :laugh:


lol give it a go

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I looked into getting some a while back and was told there was no need to walk them more than 10 mins each day as they had lots of exercise while they were racing.


Its seems to me that most retired greyhound owners locally to me are elderly and retired so this works well as a marketing ploy. Personally I feel they should be walked more than this but if the weren't taken on by these people they would have been put down.



true i wouldnt want them pts just seems like people should do more with them


Genuine question .. what do you sugest that owners of ex racing greys do with there dogs other than walk them ?


The whole point of me keeping these is they are easy to live with & low maintainence .. if i wanted summat that needed entertaining i would have got a collie :laugh::thumbs:


not sure really i havent got an answer to the problem maybe let um run out at bit once a day i surpose with the amount of exercise my animals get its just hard to watch these things wobbling round the place ,also i didnt realise greyhounds are lazy dogs ive never owned one


most greys are a liability off the leash & unless you have a very secure enclosed area you can run one ... they genuinely dont need running daily .. in the 4 years i have kept them i have not witnessed any issues behavior wise due to either of mine not being let off the lead daily & allowed to run.. weight wise i have a problem Keeping weight on my bitch especially


Sometimes my bitch is off the lead & cant be arsed to run

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