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here's a few shots of her at 71/2 wks old just settling in the kitchen ,had her in house for 2 wks now in large shed with heat lamp on till she cant fit through my kennel run bars

she settled in very well only one night of wining,jabbed her up at 8 wks ,and had her on a lead at 9 wks and she doing well ,just wormed her at 11 1/2 wks as she was showing signs and now just about cleared now at 12 wk today,she s an aggressive little sod as she bites your leg and when you say no with a sharp voice and a gentle tap on nose she gets worse but settles for 2nd best

she s good on lead and comes to a dog whistle when i run away from her,just started to getting her to sit now and again

she got a bump off one of my other dogs and went lame for 3 days which i was worried about but shes ok now

these shots are from 7 and half through to ten weeks

10" @7and half wk and roughly about half kilo

1st pic daughter playing with her on 1st day

2nd pic all worn out

3rd pic grubbing up (not a good grubber by all means)

4th pic british and proud

5th pic 10 wks starting to go lightly broken coated

6th pic a pose for the camera

more pics to follow @12wks







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hi davey

she was always black and slightly smooth coat but you could tell it was going to change but now shes 12 wks she has turned slightly grey in places and getting a broken coat on her mane and back,just had her down the garden to see her reaction with the hens and cock birds ,she stood gazing thinking do i chase or just take it all in she nearly started to get closer but opted out ,i walked her around them and seemed ok (not sure when she finds her feet though)

she is a very picky eater so have to try temp her with tuna , chappie things that wiff abit

shes growing fast just took her withers @16inch @12 wk,she looks like her feet are tight and got a long rudder (tail) to assist her in next years challenges i'll post a few more once this shit weather buggers off and get some of her in the fields and banksides ,she s very inquisitive and goes where my other dogs go no fear

ps thanks for the comments


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a bit of all sorts really ,see how she pans out she ll be capable of more but you have to keep to the law , :whistling:

and too many anti s on here to think your breaking the law

could of done with a dog like this as i went foxing and 1st shot was nt great and the 2nd barrel never went off @all

so i was right pixxed off, a good all rounder could of retrieved it for me am sure, so she should come in handy on these special occasions when asked to do a job

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