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votes for prisoners

Guest bullterrier

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The reason prisoners should have the vote isn't because they deserve it. The reason is because in the past Governments have made up charges against opposition supporters just before an election and subsequently won another term. The reason prisoners should have the vote is not to reward prisoners but to stop this abuse.

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Guest bullterrier

The reason prisoners should have the vote isn't because they deserve it. The reason is because in the past Governments have made up charges against opposition supporters just before an election and subsequently won another term. The reason prisoners should have the vote is not to reward prisoners but to stop this abuse.



what abuse so your saying pedophiles and rapists should be able to vote ...john

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The reason prisoners should have the vote isn't because they deserve it. The reason is because in the past Governments have made up charges against opposition supporters just before an election and subsequently won another term. The reason prisoners should have the vote is not to reward prisoners but to stop this abuse.



what abuse so your saying pedophiles and rapists should be able to vote ...john


No but a blanket ban is not the way forward. Many countries do it the following way which would be legal under EU law and makes far more sense. By the way this is what the Court of Human Rights suggested not what the Sun, Daily Mail, BNP etc have made up.


On remand you can vote.

If you are sentenced to 4 months+ you can't vote while in prison.

If you are sentenced to 5 years+ you can never ever vote again.


Now if rapists and paedos don't get 5 year+ sentences thats a whole different issue.

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feck the court of human rights :censored: they should lose their right to vote the minute they get sent down :thumbs:


See above, they do. Most crimes under 4 months are things like protesting council tax rises, ignoring the hunting ban etc. i.e. crimes deemed of a political nature which is why they keep their vote.


Currently you have murderers, pedos, rapists etc that have been released from prison that can vote. Under the above system it actually means that less people in the UK that have been convicted of a serious crimes would be able to vote.

Edited by scalesntails
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do you honestly think that when someone gets put in clink they think to themselfs after a few months, fck i wish i could vote ?, :icon_eek::blink::icon_eek::blink: ????????????????????????????????????????????????????


agreed if they could vote most probably wouldn't bother. The reason they should have the choice is so the government can't lock up all the Labour supporters for example the night before a general election. It might not happen in this country but it happens frequently on other countries and its a protection against this.


How would you feel if you were imprisoned for a day just so you couldn't vote?


Personally I think the system suggested by the EU court of human rights is an improvement. It removes the right to vote permanently from serious offenders.

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Guest bullterrier

feck the court of human rights :censored: they should lose their right to vote the minute they get sent down :thumbs:


See above, they do. Most crimes under 4 months are things like protesting council tax rises, ignoring the hunting ban etc. i.e. crimes deemed of a political nature which is why they keep their vote.


Currently you have murderers, pedos, rapists etc that have been released from prison that can vote. Under the above system it actually means that less people in the UK that have been convicted of a serious crimes would be able to vote.



once they have served there time and are freed there's nothing wrong with people voting at the moment there are over 500 prisoners appealing for the right to vote under the banner of human rights a waste of tax payers money all because european court says its wrong well f**k them the sooner were out of europe and standing on are own two feet the better ...john

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feck the court of human rights :censored: they should lose their right to vote the minute they get sent down :thumbs:


See above, they do. Most crimes under 4 months are things like protesting council tax rises, ignoring the hunting ban etc. i.e. crimes deemed of a political nature which is why they keep their vote.


Currently you have murderers, pedos, rapists etc that have been released from prison that can vote. Under the above system it actually means that less people in the UK that have been convicted of a serious crimes would be able to vote.



once they have served there time and are freed there's nothing wrong with people voting at the moment there are over 500 prisoners appealing for the right to vote under the banner of human rights a waste of tax payers money all because european court says its wrong well f**k them the sooner were out of europe and standing on are own two feet the better ...john


Won't happen, ever. No matter what any MP says we will never leave Europe. They like to make the uneducated angry about it as it diverts them from the real issues, like why can't I afford anything? Why does more of more of my income get taken in tax for less services. They love how people blame Europe when 99% of peoples problems are homegrown. Also leaving the EU would be economic suicide.

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