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Some good topics and photos lads and lasses. Its nice to have a photo of the end result so when a member of your team has grafted to get you a end result dont hold them up by the scruff put them under your arm or on a coupling after. You never see a corner man holding a boxer up by the ears after a win. Lets not let people portray us dogging lads and lasses as they brand us already. Good luck for the rest of the season.

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Whats wrong with scruffing?


I agree that a picture of a dog being scruffed doesnt do the dog much justice but its hardly disrespectfull. Most terriers I know are quite happy being scruft.


And as for pictures of dogs being scruft portraying terriermen in a poor light. Theres SHITE LOADS of worse pics on the net, for a start pics of dogs smashed to shit, now they dont do anyone any favours.


I really dont get this 'scrufing is disrespectfull' thing that people seem to go on about...

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Some good topics and photos lads and lasses. Its nice to have a photo of the end result so when a member of your team has grafted to get you a end result dont hold them up by the scruff put them under your arm or on a coupling after. You never see a corner man holding a boxer up by the ears after a win. Lets not let people portray us dogging lads and lasses as they brand us already. Good luck for the rest of the season.


I agree, it doesnt show the dog at their best, they always seem to look a bit dejected when photographed like that. :thumbs:

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Guest AngelicAcid

Ayte thats right, wasnt this brought up before, nowt wrong with picking a dog up like that, but it doesnt show much good taste., maybe depends upon if the dog is still going crazy for its quarry.

and yes, they deserve more, but maybe the pic has just been taken, and not prepeared. :thumbs:

Edited by AngelicAcid
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Some good topics and photos lads and lasses. Its nice to have a photo of the end result so when a member of your team has grafted to get you a end result dont hold them up by the scruff put them under your arm or on a coupling after. You never see a corner man holding a boxer up by the ears after a win. Lets not let people portray us dogging lads and lasses as they brand us already. Good luck for the rest of the season.

Next thing you will be saying is,dont be calling a bitch terrier,A BITCH lol.

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