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International Arms dealer gets caught!

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Hi all, did you see that piece in the shooting papers yesterday about the MD of York guns and a collegue being arrested and charged for importing 'AK47 Drum Magazines' in to the USA from China via Germany!


A proper scam as it seems they were faking the air freight 'waybill' to show the cargo came from a different exit point than it realy did.


Plus its a Federal case, this guy is basically stuffed, shame as York Guns is an old well established gun shop help in high respect.


Short story here

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The daft thing is, is the only US law he's broken is that the mags were made in China who the Yanks won't deal with. He faked the paper work so that they looked as though they'd been made in Europe to try to get round it. Silly fella :blink:


Edit to add... I did read that on the Daily Mail's web site so it may well be total bolrocks....

Edited by andyfr1968
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So its not illegal to import Ak-47 mags into the USA as long as they dont come from China? Weird


I may not be 100% correct with this but as I understand it the public over there can own AKs and the like so long as they're converted to semi auto only and the issue with China is something to do with the Yanks only allowing certain trade with them which for whatever reason, this fella was outside their laws.

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I have no sympathy whatsoever. This guy had everything going for him on a plate. Great, well-established business founded by his father and grandfather, servicing a massive shooting customer base in the best part of the county; all the shooting he could possibly want. All he had to do was keep on selling shotguns, rifles and the gear... :hunter:


But oh no. That's not enough.


There's a quick killing to be made with illegal imports of AK47 drum mags from China to the US. Quite apart from the on-going investigation of an illegal arms consignment of 40,000 AK47 assault rifles passing through his hands :rtfm::shok::nono:





Hope he bloody rots there with Bubba the gimp up his arse!

Edited by pianoman
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Some of you know of my past lives, and after a bit of digging about it turns out that York Guns has business dealings, going back a long way, with government sanctioned (Gov' turns a blind eye) arms deals between many of the worlds emargoed countries, It may well be that the US has got a little ticked off this time and decided to throw its toys out of the pram as a slap on the hand to the UK Gov'....... :whistling: shit happens.

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If USA refuses to deal with China then how come they have Iphones, dvd players, laptops, cameras, cam corders, rare element batteries for their eco cars?


'Cos the commerce pixies wave their magic wands over them and they just appear in a puff of fairy dust in the shops :thumbs:

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I have no sympathy whatsoever. This guy had everything going for him on a plate. Great, well-established business founded by his father and grandfather, servicing a massive shooting customer base in the best part of the county; all the shooting he could possibly want. All he had to do was keep on selling shotguns, rifles and the gear... :hunter:


But oh no. That's not enough.


There's a quick killing to be made with illegal imports of AK47 drum mags from China to the US. Quite apart from the on-going investigation of an illegal arms consignment of 40,000 AK47 assault rifles passing through his hands :rtfm::shok::nono:





Hope he bloody rots there with Bubba the gimp up his arse!

I couldn't concur with you more there mate. I vehemently loathe dishonest people - if he's illegally imported firearms who knows what else he's done?! :thumbdown:

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