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irish hares are strong.

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they are protected. one of the best things about being irish is that garadas dont even give a fuc k if somethings illegal, as long as your not being a cun t.

AISLING3 , is an evil twisted f****r whos bent hell on casuing trouble take my advice ignore him hes a twit

the hares are run through the coarse before they're run with greyhounds so they're not run on complete unfamiliar ground. theres no prize money in coarsin so you cant just say there in it for the mon

size the irish hare is slightly smaller ...

the irish hare is closer to the blue/mountain hare than it is to the brown hare ... having said that the irish hare wont go to ground like the blue one will....


the irish hare as little black tips to its ears normaly

child21 mate,ive had 2 races on local land and the hare was piped,first time ive ever seen it,let him there for another day

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Alliance Party Amendment Defeated


Countryside Alliance Ireland welcomes the decision by the Northern Ireland Assembly not to give full protection to the Irish hare. An amendment tabled by the Alliance Party to give full statutory protection to the Irish hare was opposed during the further consideration stage of the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill at Stormont on Monday 7 February 2011. 19 MLAs voted for the amendment and 56 against.


This amendment was not tabled in the best interests of the Irish hare population; it merely sought to end the traditional activities of beagling and hunting with hounds in Northern Ireland.


The Chairman of the Environment Committee, Cathal Boylan MLA, conveyed to the assembled members that this issue had been discussed at length within the Committee and it was their recommendation to maintain the status quo and not provide statutory protection. Speaking as MLA for his constituency, Mr Boylan also said we must protect these rural sports and activities.


The Minister for the Environment, Edwin Poots MLA, reiterated his reasons for not supporting this amendment stating that ecological evidence indicates that the main factors limiting the Irish hare population are the availability and quality of suitable habitat. Activities such as hunting have a negligible impact on the overall population.


Mr Francie Molloy MLA said during the debate that as anyone who lives in a rural area will know, the hunting of hares by hounds has been going on for centuries; it is a country pastime as much as anything.


An amendment tabled by Mr Molloy to allow two licensed coursing events in Northern Ireland per year fell by 33 to 53 votes. The Minister for the Environment stated he maintained that hare coursing was not primarily a conservation-related issue. It was his belief that the decision taken by the Assembly at Consideration Stage to ban hare coursing was taken on social and ethical grounds and based on the premise that such a sport is no longer appropriate in the twenty-first century. He further stated that those amendments would be a fundamental reversal of the Assembly's decision to ban hare coursing altogether.


We wish to take this opportunity to thank all our members, MLAs and supporters for the concerted effort during our lobbying campaign.

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yes coursing is still banned , they said they didnt see the need to lift it because there is no place or need for coursing in this day and age

in 1 sentance you say the ban has been lifted then you say it hasnt,wake up kid,open and closed coursin in the republic with greyhounds muzzled isnt banned but coursin hares with lurchers is banned end of :no::no::no:

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