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just a few pics of my litter

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No im her daughter you f*****g tit, your the messer, f**k off and ruin someone else's thread and learn to spell while your at it.

Which lads are getting "shit" for asking for photos ?. As MLB said photos will be shown if anyone is interested in the pups. As for NE folk sticking together,- MLB is not from the North East, and i s

Nasty little man

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Ive notiched a couple lads gettin s*it for asking for a couple of pictures, whats the matter with you lot? Ive noticed all thE

N East have still got each others back :whistling: . An MLB whats wrong with stickin a few pictures up of a couple of rabbits?? Think use are abit out of line jumpin on the lads back like that. Give your heads a wobble. :icon_redface:


Pups are not my type of dog but look healthy. Well done. :thumbs:

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Which lads are getting "shit" for asking for photos ?. As MLB said photos will be shown if anyone is interested in the pups.

As for NE folk sticking together,- MLB is not from the North East, and i spoke for her as i'm someone who knows her,- it'd be pointless if i didn't.

I'd not put the photos up MLB has got. Why would you need to,- and everyone knows by now what a rabbit looks like.

Don't you think girls can work dogs.

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  On 09/04/2011 at 07:25, jamie2004live said:

Get a grip u morons and pull you're toungue out there fat arses, stick to breeding jacker rabbit litters, or get a bucket of water or a 5 shot yea? And they might b nice lasses but they are oth as ugly as Zak dingles dog




You really are a first class prick! I suppose your the best looking thing god created, yea?? I doubt it very much. Zak dingles dog is pretty aswell :feck: Self centered, sexist eejits like you....i shouldn't even be wasting my time replying to you :doh:

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No you should not have replied to him C/G.

His reply just proved the point,- another sicko on the site. No normal person would have replied like that to a thread .

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  On 09/04/2011 at 14:12, jamie2004live said:

Ahhh don't cry baby's, however I will take in to account how much thl is such a massive part of your lives, and defiantly the closest most ppl will come to hunting, here I get the birds but I'm sorry collie/grey 10 pints of Stella wouldnt be enough

I,ve been watching this thread but untill now haven,t commented,You are a Prick,looks like a braw litter tae me,my type of dugs and I also know from reading mlb,s other threads she works her animals :yes: you can tell who talks shite and who,s genuine once you,ve been on here a while :hmm:

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