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Some advice please?

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Yesterday while walking the dogs, the terrier went to ground for the first time (not my choice). She was in for about an hour and a half before she showed again. Now my question is, do I lay her off for a bit or get her out to work? I now it's the wrong end of the season, but what do you chaps think??

Please no shitty comments!!!

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You say she was to ground an hour an half was she baying or anything or just running the earth and fukin about, and how olds she mate, if she aint to young and she wants to go get a collar on the fuka and let her get on with it as long as your confident you can locate and digg the dog out if needed.

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im no expert but my way of thinking would be if the dog as come out after an hour and half ... id say leave it for a while as she obviously aint ready if she aint staying with her quarry ... you need a locator on her as you dont know weather she was being pushed about like feck down there and thats why she as come out or was in one spot and could of maybe killed her quarry so left it


its up to you its your dog and only you can decide what to do with her

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I was thinking, if I were to put a collar on and find her a shallow place and dig to her a few times if pos, then she'd get the picture? But as you said chid i don't know if she's been pushed around, but on the flip side i'll only find out if she goes again with a collar on?

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Do you even know what was in the hole?


She could have been fast asleep or baying at bugs bunny for all you know. :icon_redface:


Leave her till next season and go out with an experienced dog&dogman is my advice.


Dont do what everyone else would and give her a few cubs. Its not big, smart or clever and your dog learns very little.



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