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Thanking God

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WTF? Church is on sundays mate.

I don't think any one has the right to question someone's faith I just see it as their burden to bear and not mine

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  On 13/02/2011 at 00:52, Mickey Finn said:

Hi Craig. I don't know who you are. (I'm not a terrier guy. yet) But I'm glad your prayers were answered.


Some of the responses here, were kind of surprising. Didn't know faith was so rare in the UK.




The way most people see it in the UK is we respect peoples rights and beliefs as long as they are not affecting others and keep themselves to themselves. If God, Allah, Buddha is brought up by someone religious then we see it as fair game to air our opinions on it respectfully.


Pretty much everyone here believes in evolution even vicars as we don't trust anyone or anything so only believe things when we see proof.


I respect your right to be a Christian and spread the word but if you talk to me about god I will talk to you about atheism.


Out of the 1000s of Gods in the world I only believe in 1 less than you.


God Bless

Edited by scalesntails
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  On 10/02/2011 at 10:07, scalesntails said:
  On 10/02/2011 at 09:57, bobcullen79 said:

WTF? Church is on sundays mate.


Is that what you call a Pub roast up your way?


Call it what you want,I know where I`d rather be sat on a sunday,and its not in a church. Dont know why it was posted in the dog section,maybe it wouldnt have got enough veiws in the general section. Either way,its not too dissimilar to the door knockers we get round here,who also get told to save their breathe.

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Brain washing is a wounderful thing tell someone oftern enough especially as a child and they will grow up beleiving it. I have no beef with any ones religon or beleifs but I do with anyone trying to push their beleifs at me, we get them here the happy clappers and the new age church goers knocking on the door and putting adds on the telly. Like their the the first ones to come up with this idea and all should come along and join in and dont forget to pay your tide.


I would ask any one of religious inclination just what have nearly all the wars through out history been about. not much love thy nahbour there.

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  On 13/02/2011 at 00:57, uru said:
  On 13/02/2011 at 00:20, bluecollar said:

What a buch of a$$holes.. I dont have the same veiws as Craig but to slag on someones religon or lack of it is LOW IMO... Seems like I am glad I am a redneck amarican whos mama taught him some manners.. What you guys see of the US is all from California and as far as I am concerened it is the worst place on the planet.. And at least we have rights and can hunt... Feel sorry for you guys over there..


thank you.I knew from before what to expect,but it's no big deal,but like I said,differences aside,I know your a good guy,thanks :thumbs:


  On 12/02/2011 at 23:43, richlee said:

hey guys , i choose to believe GOD , your beef is with him , not me , i'm just the messenger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I appreciate your support,but it is a downhill battle,which is why I didnt further reply when they poked fun,cause you ALL know my instinct is to do that,just not here regarding this.


I'm not offended by this,as I mentioned,when I made a post a while back regarding Easter,I was taken by surprise.This time,I knew it was coming.But I'm not going out of my way to defend my post,nor do I want anyone else too,although I appreciate it.I know,GOD knows,and there are some here who do as well.I won't go into details cause I don't want it to seem as if I am preaching.


BUT you see,I didn't bash anyone.I didn't post anything lewd or trashy.I didn't curse or gossip.Had I done any of these,I would have by most counts been cheered,thumbs up etc.


BUT because I dare thank GOD(by the way,the ONE & ONLY TRUE LIVING GOD,OF ABRAHAM,ISAAC & JACOB, AS WELL AS THE REST OF THE WORLD,WHETHER THEY ACKNOWLEDGE IT OR NOT,CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH,KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS).I won't make the blanket comment as many of you have here towards us,I know there are many good GOD fearing men & women in the U.K.,And I think this is a fine example of why a lot of you don't know it,for fear of this type of response.


Oh well.I made a promise,I kept it.I'm not the one who drug this out as long as it was.It was as simple as either reading it,and moving on,or seeing the mention of GOD in the title and leaving it altogether.A lot of you were led by your baser nature to respond as you did.Maybe that is why it came to my head to post it here,I don't know.


But instead of acting like 5 yr olds and raving that it doesn't belong here,guess what,in my opinion(and I'd say a lot of others)a lot of posts don't belong here.But they get posted anyhow.I personally know a lot of good folks,members here, who regularly talk of GOD and ask for prayer,but they wouldn't dare do it openly,and (I wouldn't out the ones I know who have),cause they do as they feel they need to.


ME,I don't care.If you have a problem with it,either don't read it,or do and deal with it.


I know I could post about doing just about anything under the sun and it would have been greeted with positive remarks.(the more we learn the less we know??)


I love GOD and HIS SON,JESUS,who gave HIS life for all of us,and anyone who has a problem with it,it is their problem.So move onto the other topics and leave this one.

I don't plan on posting about it again, on this one,it was kind of a one time thing,unless I feel the need to on a fresh post, ;)


Thanks Mickey and others who do believe,but it is all good.this was made for a simple thanks,not a debate as some would have.But I do appreciate the words



1250-1200 BC the first book of the jews was written :icon_eek: middle bronze age by a desert peoples, :hmm: what you now follow is a miss-mass of pagan views mixed with that book, Xmass :angel: pagan winter festival,easter the pagan new year, the rebirth of life, even today we play april fools day, which one time meant your death should you still believe it was new year,april fool dead! :sick:

the romans rewrote the book of the jews to suit themselves its just about control of the masses, :doh: as god is discounted in Europe the environmentalist have grown are we to go full circle and again worship the tree's and all things natural and would that be a bad thing ? :hmm:

there are a lot of good books out there read a few more... :bye:

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  On 13/02/2011 at 10:03, stevemac said:

Brain washing is a wounderful thing tell someone oftern enough especially as a child and they will grow up beleiving it. I have no beef with any ones religon or beleifs but I do with anyone trying to push their beleifs at me, we get them here the happy clappers and the new age church goers knocking on the door and putting adds on the telly. Like their the the first ones to come up with this idea and all should come along and join in and dont forget to pay your tide.


I would ask any one of religious inclination just what have nearly all the wars through out history been about. not much love thy nahbour there.

You just read my mind !! If the guys not preaching why put up the post in the first place ? have you ever noticed that the holys are quite happy to put up their beleifs in a post and then spit the dummy out when others dont agree with them ("judge not")I think what they mean is they can judge you but you can't judge them ! :blink::whistling::thumbs:

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