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If your lurcher is unfit then take it out road walking first, strenghthen the muscles up, gradually increase the length of the walk, and let it run off lead everyday. You should start to see when your dogs getting fitter. Muscles should start to show, you should be able to feel your dogs ribs clearly and generally he should have more stamina. Take it out everyday and eventually walk it as much as you can. :)

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how is your dog bred ?????it depends a lot on the breed , exersize wise ....

In my opinion there are two levels of fitness summer fit where a dog is being walked and playing about running after and fetching a ball Good way of keeping a dog fit.

Then there is Working fit very important for someone new to know a dog will need even if fit a few nights chasing and catching before he is working fit.

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my pup is only nine weeks so i just wanna know for future reference she is (saluki/bull x foxhound) x (bedlington/whippet x wheatongreyhound)

interesting cross,you'll have to give that 25 mile aday when it gets older,should be able to run for ever :laugh: good luck with it anyway :good:

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