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Hi All


Just saw on the local news (points west) a segment about starlings destroying crops and animal feed.


I was just wondering, are they classed as pests/ are they legal quarry?






Rekon they have been removed from the list as there in decline, Could be wrong.




Edit; just to add to that, The starling roost at Gretna is something everyone should see once, Amazing

Edited by Karpman
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Hey mate,


I think it's still prohibited to shoot them in England. You can shoot them in Scotland but that's for protection of air safety only (and therefore the license might be only used by airport owners etc. or people authorised by them).


haha I too think they should be put back on the vermin list xD




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They have been off the vermin list for a good few years now mate, bout time they put them back on i think :thumbs:


Mhm yeay maybe, Has been a rather large influx of thrushes this year also, Just seems to be a hell of a lot of birds in general this year.

Must of been bad over in other parts of Europe I guess.


Had to stop feeding fat of any kind in my garden because of starlings, Seeing a couple of million in the air is quite amazing though.



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No longer on the GL's in England.


Not sure about Wales; Not sure about Scotland, don't know if they are on the GL or not up there any more, they were a couple of years ago. Someone mentioned earlier about a risk to Air Transport/aviation and given the numbers that have vanished over the past decade or so, makes sense :yes:



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No longer on the GL's in England.


Not sure about Wales; Not sure about Scotland, don't know if they are on the GL or not up there any more, they were a couple of years ago. Someone mentioned earlier about a risk to Air Transport/aviation and given the numbers that have vanished over the past decade or so, makes sense :yes:




Mhm steep decline in numbers since the sixties it seems, Can only kill em once.



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I'll admit they are amazing to watch when they 'swarm'. I was just thinking it might be another angle to try when seeking permission from farmers. But as they are a no go, that's out of the window.


Thanks for clearing that up folks!

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im surprised any one wants to shoot them as there numbers have fallen to alarming depths love them or hate them there part of our history just like sparrows its nice to have them around .i would hate them to go as low in numbers as song thrushes dunnocks etc

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