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working terriers in usa

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Coyotehunter: If ya want some good digging and some challenging nuisance control feel free to join me about an hour from you this year right after the first cut is off. If we get there e

Im seeing my name being dropped here and there!,..nice to be famous..lol.   Im not a terrier man, never have said i was, or pretended to be,...i am a coon hunter though, and seeing as me and my tea

I've been waiting for the pictures Kye but they haven't arrived yet, i've also been watching this thread and THINKING what to put up without putting my big foot in it, the reply Kye has given you pret

fair enough, maybe one of my "extra terriers" will have ahold of the bolt before he gets away.

how is a 4 ft hole any different than being 4 ft deep in the floor? call varg your pups dad just pulled 4 coons by himself, no help,no breakin in,maybe he ain't hard enough but he sounds hard enough to me.his dogs look good don't they? or are you gonna use he hasn't hunted long enough, give me a break.you state your best yr was 80+ mine was 186 :wallbash: damn i tried to f**k them up as good as i could... guess i didn't get it done.lol

no my dogs ain't going with shell, if 3,4,5 big dogs can't get it done why would i expect a my terrier to? if you send him in a tube /culvert how do you plan on getting him out? a dirt hole i see, i don't have a cutting torch in my pickup for the other.

it takes all kinds to make the world spin, i want 17 to 20lber's that give me everything they got,you want 7 to 14 lber's to fit ,find ,stay.... as long as your pushin and i'm pullin everything will be o.k :thumbs:

Bob over in the UK they been using the terrier/lurcher combo alot longer that you and I have been alive, so if you think you got it figured out with and extra terrier more power to ya. :blink: The rest I just dont get :hmm: I had to go back and read my last post 5 times as I thought I didnt make any sence. But ya 4ft dirt /rock hole is a HUGE difference then 4ft down in a floor{what floor is 4ft deep?} anyway I'll go with it. If I lived in barn/building country I could crush 80 coons over a winter blind folded hunting in barns , Hell Kye did that in a weekend ! 186 is a respecble number and again I NOT putting down that type of hunting. :no: If I lived were you guys did I be doing all the time to BUT i take great offence when the two hunting styles are compared, I KNOW BETTER :yes: I've done both. You have met Shawn G now ask him or go dig 30 coons up before spring.You stated that you dont dig because of your job in a quarry, I get it you dont like to dig but just because you dont with your terriers dont poo poo it and this aint about hard dogs, soft dogs, killers ,bayers its about above and below ground terrier work of any style. As far as terriers and coyotes never said my terrier was doing anything above ground, and you dont need a torch lol :doh: . I dont blame ya for not taking your terriers coyote hunting a 25lb coyote will make a 30lb coon look like marshmello. For hundreds of years Hounds of every type have been pushing fox,coyotes to ground and terriers have been getting them out. SO I'm just doing what they been doing, but with a 30lb terrier.I hope I cleared it up for ya-Stunt.

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I live in Oregon but have hunted in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, South Dakota, Iowa, & Illinois.. Ground hunting and barn hunting dont compaire, sure they are both GREAT work for a terrier but not the same but a lot of simular stuff involed for sure.. I also run my terriers with hounds and have got a ton of coon in Idaho and Oregon doing that, is it terrier work, yes they are working but is it what should show me what I have, NO, the test of a terrier is to ground.. When hunting in Illinois we got three coon in the ground in the same sett, then a sec later got 7 out of a wood pile, dogs killed all, baby red looked like he had been thrugh a meet grinder one of the terriers lost a toe some lost teeth, lil timmy lost a big part of the inside of his lip.. no human help to kill and all 5 terriers were done and red was getting weak from fighting so hard(he was 9 months old)... Bob I understand that dogs heal up when given time off but mine are fucket up with white scar tisue over most of their face and neck/sholders.. Now I dont really give them months off but if I did I'm sure they would still look not right.. I am not saying I want a dog with no face, it takes a long time for them to get so scared up.. If a dog has olny had a "barn season" or 2 and has his face missin I would say he is stupid, have seen this in SD by the worst dog I have ever seen hunt, guy gave him to me, he was so stupid!! Gave him back gladly when asked for!! Would not take blood of of that line!!

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Im seeing my name being dropped here and there!,..nice to be famous..lol.


Im not a terrier man, never have said i was, or pretended to be,...i am a coon hunter though, and seeing as me and my team have taken over 400 this season, i think im qualified to talk a little bit about coon, although im no exspert, buy any means...


i hunt coon where coon live, plain and simple, and i take them anyway i can,...yeah, we get a few under bales that are only two bales deep, just like we dig a few at 2foot in the ground....how one coon at four foot in the ground, is harder than a coon 15 foot in hay, is beyond me?...plus scenting in most of the barns we hunt (average 15-3500 bales) is MUCH harder than in the earth, and thats a fact...


fact of the matter is, MOST terriers over here are shit, and when people tell me you need 10lbs terriers to dig game, that proves that to me...ive dug my terriers succesfully all over the usa, and there not world beaters, but ive also maybe only seen 5-6 terriers over here that i would kennel,...ive dug my 20+lbs terriers where 12lbs terriers have failed, not because of the size limits, but the small dog DIDNT want his game, and my dogs did...the amount of work, and the sheer quantity that we do with the dogs, with the regularity that they see, small dogs CANT hack it,...and yes i do have a few small terriers, infact a very promising small bitch of around 13lbs...its her first season, and im very happy with her so far.


A coon in a pipe in the earth is IN the earth,...he can travel other tubes, and find stop ends and bolt holes etc, but he is LOCKED in the ground,...in a barn, the coon can go anywhere he wants, he can squeeze between bales, bolt out the barns, up rafters etc....anyone that has barn hunted with ANY regularity will tell you its a challenge,...


Busterdog came over recently, and hes been at the game, at a high level for a long time, maybe some people should ask him what he thought...


also when i here comments like 'this dog will coon every coon he sees in minutes blah blah'....that is BULL SHIT,...yes, terriers CAN and DO kill coon, but not with any regularity...ive seen some good dogs work coon, and ive seen some good coon work dogs...lol...the amount of shit i see on the Web about terriers and coon is mental...


Each to there own, and im not posting anymore on it,...mostly coz im to busy working my dogs, and dont give a f**k about all this 'theory'

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lads from wat i have read every one of the lads that have posted have good terrier,s :thumbs: i have been hunting a long time.but the mean thing is you are engoying your sport and i see in one post they were a young lass. :thumbs: so you are all passing it down to younger foke. so lads it dont matter wat you hunt or wat way you hunt engoy and pass it down like i am doing. fair play to you all happy hunting hh :thumbs:

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Im seeing my name being dropped here and there!,..nice to be famous..lol.


Im not a terrier man, never have said i was, or pretended to be,...i am a coon hunter though, and seeing as me and my team have taken over 400 this season, i think im qualified to talk a little bit about coon, although im no exspert, buy any means...


i hunt coon where coon live, plain and simple, and i take them anyway i can,...yeah, we get a few under bales that are only two bales deep, just like we dig a few at 2foot in the ground....how one coon at four foot in the ground, is harder than a coon 15 foot in hay, is beyond me?...plus scenting in most of the barns we hunt (average 15-3500 bales) is MUCH harder than in the earth, and thats a fact...


fact of the matter is, MOST terriers over here are shit, and when people tell me you need 10lbs terriers to dig game, that proves that to me...ive dug my terriers succesfully all over the usa, and there not world beaters, but ive also maybe only seen 5-6 terriers over here that i would kennel,...ive dug my 20+lbs terriers where 12lbs terriers have failed, not because of the size limits, but the small dog DIDNT want his game, and my dogs did...the amount of work, and the sheer quantity that we do with the dogs, with the regularity that they see, small dogs CANT hack it,...and yes i do have a few small terriers, infact a very promising small bitch of around 13lbs...its her first season, and im very happy with her so far.


A coon in a pipe in the earth is IN the earth,...he can travel other tubes, and find stop ends and bolt holes etc, but he is LOCKED in the ground,...in a barn, the coon can go anywhere he wants, he can squeeze between bales, bolt out the barns, up rafters etc....anyone that has barn hunted with ANY regularity will tell you its a challenge,...


Busterdog came over recently, and hes been at the game, at a high level for a long time, maybe some people should ask him what he thought...


also when i here comments like 'this dog will coon every coon he sees in minutes blah blah'....that is BULL SHIT,...yes, terriers CAN and DO kill coon, but not with any regularity...ive seen some good dogs work coon, and ive seen some good coon work dogs...lol...the amount of shit i see on the Web about terriers and coon is mental...


Each to there own, and im not posting anymore on it,...mostly coz im to busy working my dogs, and dont give a f**k about all this 'theory'



I agree 99% with this post, a man who has worked a lot of coon for sure.. In my experiance a bigger dog can push to quarry and be good at it... BUT in the valley here in the late summer early fall the clay ground drys out and hardens, it is like rock, you have to chip it away with a digging bar inch by inch, so at that time of the year a larger dog with high drive gets stuck a lot.. The same large dog in the spring or late fall would have no problem pushin in the same sett he got stuck in in the summer..

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Im seeing my name being dropped here and there!,..nice to be famous..lol.


Im not a terrier man, never have said i was, or pretended to be,...i am a coon hunter though, and seeing as me and my team have taken over 400 this season, i think im qualified to talk a little bit about coon, although im no exspert, buy any means...


i hunt coon where coon live, plain and simple, and i take them anyway i can,...yeah, we get a few under bales that are only two bales deep, just like we dig a few at 2foot in the ground....how one coon at four foot in the ground, is harder than a coon 15 foot in hay, is beyond me?...plus scenting in most of the barns we hunt (average 15-3500 bales) is MUCH harder than in the earth, and thats a fact...


fact of the matter is, MOST terriers over here are shit, and when people tell me you need 10lbs terriers to dig game, that proves that to me...ive dug my terriers succesfully all over the usa, and there not world beaters, but ive also maybe only seen 5-6 terriers over here that i would kennel,...ive dug my 20+lbs terriers where 12lbs terriers have failed, not because of the size limits, but the small dog DIDNT want his game, and my dogs did...the amount of work, and the sheer quantity that we do with the dogs, with the regularity that they see, small dogs CANT hack it,...and yes i do have a few small terriers, infact a very promising small bitch of around 13lbs...its her first season, and im very happy with her so far.


A coon in a pipe in the earth is IN the earth,...he can travel other tubes, and find stop ends and bolt holes etc, but he is LOCKED in the ground,...in a barn, the coon can go anywhere he wants, he can squeeze between bales, bolt out the barns, up rafters etc....anyone that has barn hunted with ANY regularity will tell you its a challenge,...


Busterdog came over recently, and hes been at the game, at a high level for a long time, maybe some people should ask him what he thought...


also when i here comments like 'this dog will coon every coon he sees in minutes blah blah'....that is BULL SHIT,...yes, terriers CAN and DO kill coon, but not with any regularity...ive seen some good dogs work coon, and ive seen some good coon work dogs...lol...the amount of shit i see on the Web about terriers and coon is mental...


Each to there own, and im not posting anymore on it,...mostly coz im to busy working my dogs, and dont give a f**k about all this 'theory'

very honest reply thank you
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i had a Bobcat with a lakeland terrier that i brought over from the UK, i got it in a HUGE rock pile, and she was with it for 2 1/2hrs,...took a few diggers/jcbs/backhoe and heavy equipment, and about 20 mexicans to get her out, and she was a bit of a state when we got her out, as the cat was on a ledge and had the advantage...she was a very soft terrier though, and im convinced that a good, gritty terrier could finish one without to much fuss...

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We run bobcats into the rocks and lots of people have jagds to pull them out of the rocks.. I have one to run with the walker and he will go to ground after them but most bolt I have seen when given good reason.. That is when a lurcher comes in handy..

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Im seeing my name being dropped here and there!,..nice to be famous..lol.


Im not a terrier man, never have said i was, or pretended to be,...i am a coon hunter though, and seeing as me and my team have taken over 400 this season, i think im qualified to talk a little bit about coon, although im no exspert, buy any means...


i hunt coon where coon live, plain and simple, and i take them anyway i can,...yeah, we get a few under bales that are only two bales deep, just like we dig a few at 2foot in the ground....how one coon at four foot in the ground, is harder than a coon 15 foot in hay, is beyond me?...plus scenting in most of the barns we hunt (average 15-3500 bales) is MUCH harder than in the earth, and thats a fact...


fact of the matter is, MOST terriers over here are shit, and when people tell me you need 10lbs terriers to dig game, that proves that to me...ive dug my terriers succesfully all over the usa, and there not world beaters, but ive also maybe only seen 5-6 terriers over here that i would kennel,...ive dug my 20+lbs terriers where 12lbs terriers have failed, not because of the size limits, but the small dog DIDNT want his game, and my dogs did...the amount of work, and the sheer quantity that we do with the dogs, with the regularity that they see, small dogs CANT hack it,...and yes i do have a few small terriers, infact a very promising small bitch of around 13lbs...its her first season, and im very happy with her so far.


A coon in a pipe in the earth is IN the earth,...he can travel other tubes, and find stop ends and bolt holes etc, but he is LOCKED in the ground,...in a barn, the coon can go anywhere he wants, he can squeeze between bales, bolt out the barns, up rafters etc....anyone that has barn hunted with ANY regularity will tell you its a challenge,...


Busterdog came over recently, and hes been at the game, at a high level for a long time, maybe some people should ask him what he thought...


also when i here comments like 'this dog will coon every coon he sees in minutes blah blah'....that is BULL SHIT,...yes, terriers CAN and DO kill coon, but not with any regularity...ive seen some good dogs work coon, and ive seen some good coon work dogs...lol...the amount of shit i see on the Web about terriers and coon is mental...


Each to there own, and im not posting anymore on it,...mostly coz im to busy working my dogs, and dont give a f**k about all this 'theory'



This post is spot on ...


I will say this though game in the ground can't bolt they can only go through a dog alot of times .. A coon in a hay pile can usally bolt another way ... The dog has to do the same work though jmho ...

Also a huge diffrence from a fur hunter and a sport hunter and what they want to see from his dogs ...

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Im seeing my name being dropped here and there!,..nice to be famous..lol.


Im not a terrier man, never have said i was, or pretended to be,...i am a coon hunter though, and seeing as me and my team have taken over 400 this season, i think im qualified to talk a little bit about coon, although im no exspert, buy any means...


i hunt coon where coon live, plain and simple, and i take them anyway i can,...yeah, we get a few under bales that are only two bales deep, just like we dig a few at 2foot in the ground....how one coon at four foot in the ground, is harder than a coon 15 foot in hay, is beyond me?...plus scenting in most of the barns we hunt (average 15-3500 bales) is MUCH harder than in the earth, and thats a fact...


fact of the matter is, MOST terriers over here are shit, and when people tell me you need 10lbs terriers to dig game, that proves that to me...ive dug my terriers succesfully all over the usa, and there not world beaters, but ive also maybe only seen 5-6 terriers over here that i would kennel,...ive dug my 20+lbs terriers where 12lbs terriers have failed, not because of the size limits, but the small dog DIDNT want his game, and my dogs did...the amount of work, and the sheer quantity that we do with the dogs, with the regularity that they see, small dogs CANT hack it,...and yes i do have a few small terriers, infact a very promising small bitch of around 13lbs...its her first season, and im very happy with her so far.


A coon in a pipe in the earth is IN the earth,...he can travel other tubes, and find stop ends and bolt holes etc, but he is LOCKED in the ground,...in a barn, the coon can go anywhere he wants, he can squeeze between bales, bolt out the barns, up rafters etc....anyone that has barn hunted with ANY regularity will tell you its a challenge,...


Busterdog came over recently, and hes been at the game, at a high level for a long time, maybe some people should ask him what he thought...


also when i here comments like 'this dog will coon every coon he sees in minutes blah blah'....that is BULL SHIT,...yes, terriers CAN and DO kill coon, but not with any regularity...ive seen some good dogs work coon, and ive seen some good coon work dogs...lol...the amount of shit i see on the Web about terriers and coon is mental...


Each to there own, and im not posting anymore on it,...mostly coz im to busy working my dogs, and dont give a f**k about all this 'theory'


I respect everyones choices as to their favorite way to hunt there terriers but I also enjoy some good healthy debate.


I will start with your point about scenting. If scenting in the woods started at the holes edge then maybe you could compare the two as being close in difficilty. The problem with this theory are the thousand and thousand of acres you are forgetting about that the dog has to search to find the hole. In a barn the coons run the same runs constantly and quite often you dont even need a dog to tell where they are hiding. You can actually follow the grease slides from there fur and the runs cut into the straw and that... is a fact.


You say the terriers over here are shit.


Are griz bred dogs shit? Hoss dogs shit? Rc1's dogs shit? Stunts dogs shit? Jades dogs shit? B2H's dogs shit? Just curious because these are some of the various lines that alot of different folks are digging. I supposed you have hunted with most all of them before you would paint a very broad stroke over "MOST" american terriers by saying they are shit. What types of hunting characteristics do you base these claims on? Hunting here and hunting across the pond can be very different and require different types of dogs. You also claim that when people say they need a ten pound dog to dig here, it proves they are shit!? You are right about not needing one but it sure makes it easier. I dont like trenching to my dogs but if you do then you could use a black lab if you wanted. My preference is to use a dog that provides me with a high consistency of one hole digs. A twenty pound dog will not be that dog consistently on the types of quarry dug most often in the states.


A few inconvenient barn facts....


A very large percentage of game is found in spots where dogs cant work. For example, in the raftors and cielings, in floors and walls some of which cant be broke into. These are shot and included in the big numbers posted and bragged about.

You say that game in a hole is stuck in the hole rendering it an easy catch. Barns however you claim are very challenging because coons can run out many exits. You are right about the exits. Unfortunatley all the barn hunters I know fail to take advantage of this opportunity for great challenge to there dogs. Since huge numbers bring huge praise and huge keyboard cred, 3 to 4 dogs and sometimes even 6 or 7 dogs are dropped in these situation. Instead of taking advantage of that great opportunity for some serious dog work most barn busters sell out for the chance at the "big number post" and drop multiple dogs. Before you even attempt to try to make a comparison between diggin and barn work (which in my opinion you cant) ateast even the playing field and use one dog. I say go a step further and stop the car a few miles short of the barn and get out and start walking . This outta bring a little legitimacy to your scenting claims. Your dog can search for the barn just like a earth worker searches for a sette.



All in good healthy debate no hard feelings here!


Take care Jay and happy hunting!

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