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what air rifle to get s/h


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hi all can i get some advice from you all

i will have around £350 to spend on a gun next month

i would like a super ten or rapid 7 can anyone give me an idea how much i would pay s/h for any of these and what would you all recomend for this type of price

full set up would be good bottl scopes ect1

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Sadly mate, you won't get close to a Rapid or SuperTen for that money. If you do, you'd be very lucky, and you certainly wouldn't be getting charging equipment too.


In reality, that kind of money will get you a good quality spring rifle but not much in the way of precharged pneumatics.

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Yeah, I thought about the S200 as I posted my previous response. You also might be able to pick up a secondhand BSA Ultra, but you'd be best to add a bit more to your budget if you can to get charging equipment too. Both are excellent rifles. I know a few of the regulars on here use S200s, and several (myself included, use Ultras. As far as I know, all are happy with them!

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