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help with part name?

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hiys peopel.


i may be being stupid but i was just wondering what the little 'O' ring on a rapid bottles called?

is it just a buddy bottle '0' ring?


tryed to fill mine the other day and it smashed the thing to pieces.


also were can i order them from?


thanks guys


john boy

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hiys peopel.


i may be being stupid but i was just wondering what the little 'O' ring on a rapid bottles called?

is it just a buddy bottle '0' ring?


tryed to fill mine the other day and it smashed the thing to pieces.


also were can i order them from?


thanks guys


john boy




Hi John boy.


It is just as you thought mate, an O ring.

Find out the size, you could proberbly get one, or a few from a plumbers merchants :thumbs:




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Find out what size they are, and then pop to your local plumbers merchant. You'll pay maximum 30p an O-ring, instead of the £13 for three or four that some people are charging.


You need to find out outer diameter (OD) or internal diameter (ID) and ring thickness.


I have loads lying round, if you can find the dimensions I'll stick a couple in the post if I have them.


Don't over-tighten the fitting, as this can cause the ring to pinch and fail early. If it's properly designed then finger tight should be sufficient, though I would recommend giving it a 1/4 turn past that to be sure, but don't apply a lot of force!

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