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Guest Frank

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Hows it going folks. :)


Its that time of year, for the hobs to start slowly coming into season :D

My hobs balls, have started to drop slightly and his started to chatter about the place and when near the jill, he is started to, pester her, so iv seperated them, to give her some peace. :)


Hows all your hobs out their doing? Are they getting randy yet? :laugh:



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Hows it going folks. :)


Its that time of year, for the hobs to start slowly coming into season :D

My hobs balls, have started to drop slightly and his started to chatter about the place and when near the jill, he is started to, pester her, so iv seperated them, to give her some peace. :)


Hows all your hobs out their doing? Are they getting randy yet? :laugh:




My mates 2 hobs were at it yesterday frank and that was the first thing i noticed , !


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:D O, okay Ricky, no worries mate. ;):laugh:


Anyone elses hobs getting randy yet? :D



i have two from last years breeding that are getting randy , but they won,t by friday,the other five were done last august after a summer of sceaching and fighting, all will be peaceful again

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These ferrets of your must be a distant relation of my wife cause she never stops f***ing chattering :cry: ,the only downfall is she NEVER gets randy :no: .Shes hoping my balls drop too,to the f***ing floor. :laugh:

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