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raccons for sale

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ha ha big black pusssssycat lets breed nd release racoons nd hunt them with dogs nd guns

wont be long till their breeding in the wild in my opinion. soons as people get bored of them they will realease them into the wild.

Well, it is a shame for the yanks to have all the fun with their staghounds!   Im sure the terrier lads and keepers will sort them if and when their population does start increasing.

i think they'd become a menace pretty quickly if allowed to breed in the wild,like smarter more adaptable foxes.

100% agree with you pal.


theres a newspaper we get called the ad-mag theres somebody selling all sorts of exotic pets monkeys,mongoose,meerkats its mental.

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There was a couple with one on a lead down the side of the Trent at Gunthorpe! I could hardly believe it.


How the ones in the wild arnt deemed as a threat I dont know. All itll take is one breeding pair and there ya have another serious threat to our wildlife. If I ever bump into a wild one itll get shot, dogged or clubbed, as any alien predator in this country should.

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There was a couple with one on a lead down the side of the Trent at Gunthorpe! I could hardly believe it.


How the ones in the wild arnt deemed as a threat I dont know. All itll take is one breeding pair and there ya have another serious threat to our wildlife. If I ever bump into a wild one itll get shot, dogged or clubbed, as any alien predator in this country should.

wont be long till their breeding in the wild in my opinion. soons as people get bored of them they will realease them into the wild.

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There was a couple with one on a lead down the side of the Trent at Gunthorpe! I could hardly believe it.


How the ones in the wild arnt deemed as a threat I dont know. All itll take is one breeding pair and there ya have another serious threat to our wildlife. If I ever bump into a wild one itll get shot, dogged or clubbed, as any alien predator in this country should.

wont be long till their breeding in the wild in my opinion. soons as people get bored of them they will realease them into the wild.


Well, it is a shame for the yanks to have all the fun with their staghounds! :D


Im sure the terrier lads and keepers will sort them if and when their population does start increasing.

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see them for sale a lot here, 800euro is the price, last time i saw an advert on donedeal. didnt even bother to look at the preloved ad lol

in ireland you can also buy tigers! :laugh:


was offered serval cubs about a month 1500 each

same fella is apparently getting cheetah soon as well :blink:

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see them for sale a lot here, 800euro is the price, last time i saw an advert on donedeal. didnt even bother to look at the preloved ad lol

in ireland you can also buy tigers! :laugh:


was offered serval cubs about a month 1500 each

same fella is apparently getting cheetah soon as well :blink:

good for coursing. :thumbs:

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see them for sale a lot here, 800euro is the price, last time i saw an advert on donedeal. didnt even bother to look at the preloved ad lol

in ireland you can also buy tigers! :laugh:


was offered serval cubs about a month 1500 each

same fella is apparently getting cheetah soon as well :blink:

good for coursing. :thumbs:


maybe next year i'll be coursing cheetah... :laugh:



@ 5000-6000 a cub its a bit much though

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