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would you reccomend ?

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Hi The CZ 452 is in my view ,the best there is. I`ve had one since they came out and it is fantastic, I have tuned the trigger lately and now it is even better. It has killed untold rabbits and mor

i think its about £30 but say his ticket says 22lr plus sound mod that means he can only buy one 22lr and sound mod and if he wants to buy another he will need to put in variation for 22lr plus sound mod costing about £30 and that the same for all calibers , the 22 hornet is going to be a little cheaper maybe looking at about £600 for full setup and ammo is about £30 for 50 , i have a few mates that shoot with this cal and they drop foxes out to 200 yards no probs reguarly,

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  On 06/02/2011 at 00:54, lampingboy said:

hi lads :) im hopefully applying for my fac this year probably towards the end of the year ,and hopefully getting out with derboy soon enough to have a shoot of his remington .204 and a few of his other guns.Im just trying to learn as much as i can at the moment so forgive me if i come accross and a noob lol.

Im thinking of going for a .22lr for my first rifle as ive been reccomended one for my first firearms rifle.

What are your views of the CZ 452 .22lr ? would this be a good rifle for my needs ?

Im mainly wanting to do fox stalking along with rabbits and possibly some crows etc.

all your help is greatly appreciated

thank you all,



.22lr CZ452 for close range rabbits and a .243 with a 1 in 9 twist barrel for everything else. Dont get a 1 in 10 as it will not stabilise a 100grain bullet and you will need a 100 grain bullet for deer in Scotland.


My .243 will group 0.5" at 200yds with Berger bullets and Varget and isgreat for long range rabbits, foxes and Munties.



What more do you want ???

Edited by robbobsam
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okay lads,filled out as much as i can for the time being on my fac application forms,and im going with a coterminous certificate so im also filling out my sgc forms,what would you reccomend i put down on that ? a 410 and 12 guage or is that pushing it ?

cheers lads


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haha i think a 410 and 12 bore would do me mate not got much interest in anything more powerfull :)

One question about referees,do they have to be local good guys such as mp's doctors police and stuff? if not i should have 2 straight away otherwise it will be a bit difficult as i havent known any police officer or doctor personally for atleast 2 years lol :/



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You don't have to put calibre/bore down for your SGC, nor do you need to specify land. Just apply. The fuzz have to prove you are not a "fit person" to hold an SGC. At 15 you can hold a licence, but not buy gun or ammo. Look at the thread at the top of this page!

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  On 06/02/2011 at 23:15, lampingboy said:

haha i think a 410 and 12 bore would do me mate not got much interest in anything more powerfull :)

One question about referees,do they have to be local good guys such as mp's doctors police and stuff? if not i should have 2 straight away otherwise it will be a bit difficult as i havent known any police officer or doctor personally for atleast 2 years lol :/




I had to re-apply for my SGC after a 2 year break. I applied for my FAC at the same time. I applied for .22lr, 17hmr and .243. I have since applied for .22 FAC air rifle, 20cal and .308 and I have n't had the FAC 12 months yet either.


If you have a good record of responsible behaviour and good reasons for holding the firearms you will have no problem.


If you shoot around buildings on a farm ask for .22 FAC air as its far safer than a .22lr around buildings due to richochets.

Also ask for .22lr for rabbiting at short range, (up to 75yds) you will be able to ask for a long range rabbiting gun too. You could ask for a 17hmr or a small centerfire. You would also get a centerfire for foxes if you have foxes on the land and its big enough in acres to be safe, if you do ask for a centerfire ask for a .243 as its a very versatile caliber.


If you get them all P.M me and I will help advise you on the rifles when you have the permission.


Its all down to what you want the rifles for and what permissions you have. If you have never held a FAC at all and you wanted to go hunting Elephants in Africa and you had a holiday booked I am sure you would get a 500 nitro express if you asked and had a good record of responsible behaviour.

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ive read both fac and sgc topics ,all i need to complete my sgc form is 2 referees ,also need a gun cabinet and a more secure door on my house (being finished) .

at the moment on the fac form i only have a .22lr down,do you think it would be too much asking for a .243?? and a .17hmr ?

as i think these will be my most likely calibers of choice .ie. start off with a .22lr then move onto a.243.

on the form the reason for a .22lr is vermin control i may add what quarry also. then go onto .243 for fox etc.


thank you ,


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You should apply for .223 and .243. Say at interview that you need - NOT "want" - the .243 for deer when you go for your DSC. If you get knocked back on that, they are actually more likely to give you the .223. Makes 'em feel powerful.


You might well consider putting in for all three rimmies. .22lr for rabbit, .17HMR for long range rabbit and pest birds on the ground, .22 WMR for close foxes. Talk it over with Derboy. He's obviously a sound guy.


YIS, Ric

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