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would you reccomend ?

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hi lads :) im hopefully applying for my fac this year probably towards the end of the year ,and hopefully getting out with derboy soon enough to have a shoot of his remington .204 and a few of his other guns.Im just trying to learn as much as i can at the moment so forgive me if i come accross and a noob lol.

Im thinking of going for a .22lr for my first rifle as ive been reccomended one for my first firearms rifle.

What are your views of the CZ 452 .22lr ? would this be a good rifle for my needs ?

Im mainly wanting to do fox stalking along with rabbits and possibly some crows etc.

all your help is greatly appreciated

thank you all,


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Hi The CZ 452 is in my view ,the best there is. I`ve had one since they came out and it is fantastic, I have tuned the trigger lately and now it is even better. It has killed untold rabbits and mor


The CZ 452 is in my view ,the best there is. I`ve had one since they came out and it is fantastic, I have tuned the trigger lately and now it is even better.

It has killed untold rabbits and more, It really is the best tool in the box.

They can be had cheap, and you don`t have to go mental with varmint barrels and fancy stocks for a pest control tool that will still punch paper with the best of them, ,the basic set up will do it all. Mines has the synthetic stock, this is fine,, I may change mine as I have had it years and rather than buy a new rifle I would rather customise mine.



If the main bulk of your shooting is foxes then buy a centre fire instead, 22lr is not ideal for foxes and a CF would do the job better, but if it`s mainly rabbits etc the 22lr is the way to go.

You say you want to go mainly foxing,,,,but is this true? are you more likely to be shooting rabbits etc with maybe the odd fox ??


If you really are shooting more foxes,, then CF! 222,,223,,22-250 or 243 (243 is my choice all the way,,does it all)

But bear in mind, you have to be able to justify it to your FLO (police) and any rabbits shot with a CF may not be eatable!! :laugh:


My advice would be to work out what you want to shoot,, choose the best calibres (maybe even what the locl shop has at the right price !) and put in the application, Your FLO will have a chat with you and you will work out what to apply for between you anyway..


Good luck with the application ,and keep asking questions


Buy the cz and never regret it,, they are superb.





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Thank you for the cracking advice mate,i was thinking about going for a .243 but i heared that the FEO'S arent the most possitive about one of these for a first firearm so i thought the .22lr would be a good starter firearm. Im confusing myself about what i want it for at the moment mate haha.i have my s410 for bunnys etc and i really do love the gun. But i do want to get into fox hunting and eventually do my level 1 and 2 in dear stalking which will obviously require a suitable gun such as a .243 .

But as you say a CF is more suited to fox shooting but these arent the norm for a first time fac applicant if im correct ? Anyways as i said,im going to get out with derboy as soon as i have the opourtunity and have a shoot of his guns and see what caliber i like and i think go from there.

Also would it be okay to apply for 2 different calibre of firearms ? my permissions isnt fac registered and im honestly not wanting to get them inspected as it seems alot of fuss,so for the time being im hoping derboy will be kind enough to let me tag along and show me the ropes of firearms then i can move on from there.

really sorry if what im writing isnt making sense as its late and i have so many ideas on my head haha

cheers for all your help though mate :)

thank you,


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Ha ha no worries bud


I know things are different down your way,, I got 22 and 243 plus FAC air rifle and 223 (if I wanted it),All on an open cert granted on my first FAC and none of our ground has to be approved !,, You lot down south have mentors and all sorts,,


Get out and shoot a few,,then chat with the FLO



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will do as u say pal, about having a shat with the FLO do i chat with them once ive applied for my fac or can i give them a ring and have a word with them,id just like to clear a few things up as it generally changes with the area as you know. but i would like something that is deffinately based on foxing as i will stick to my s410 for most of the rabbits pigeons and crows etc. .I would love to apply for an open fac! that would be bloody fantastic haha but i dont think its going to happen :( only time will tell thoug :)

cheers bud


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hiya,some good advice up above,i use the cz 452,had an old 2e brno,as an out and out bunnie tool,they cant be beat,,your going to be out and about in all weather,s,,cz is a rock solid,.22 is dependable,and as acurate as any gun out there,just find the ammo it likes,stay well clear of cci,very dangerous round for the cz,they dont cycle and can go off as you close the bolt on em,but if you want to do crow,s etc,maybe a 17 hmr is better,still good for bunnies,great for long range corvid,s,and some forces allow for fox,but expensive to run,or try the hornet,good for fox and long distance,bunnies and corvid,s,no good for close range bunnies though,but thats why we use the right tool for the job,big dif between a bunnie and a fox,i would get some experience under your belt,cant beat the .22lr as a training rifle,easy to use,cheap to run,you can fire load,s of round,s at a target,and it cost nowt,doesnt disturb any body,with the noise,,and get,s your confidence up,you should be going for head shot,s,to kill out right,on bunnies,this allso improves your shooting on larger game,you place your shot,s,dont be one of these wanker,s who just points his rifle at the biggest mass and pull,s the trigger,take pride in your shooting skill,and how you can place the bullet,for a clean kill,the only way to improve is practice,practice,and practice,you will reap the benifit,by kill,s made,bunnies in the bag,etc,its a bit hard to shoot corvids in the head,so body shot,s are order of the day,though you can head shoot them ,its mainly luck,or your a good shooter who can get very close to em,well that,s my take on it,enjoy your self,ok,ian

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cant beat the 22lr for out n out rabbit tool , but im not sure if the laws are different down your way but you have to state the farms you wish to use the rifle on on your application and then they sign your firearms to that farm then normally for the first 5 years you can only shoot on land that is deemed suitible by chief cunstuble of police (land that has been checked) which is what is says on your cet then after renewal this term is removed, try go for 22 hornet or 223 on first application they seem to be more accepted cals of centre fire

It is not a big fuss mate they just meet you down at farm and have a quick look about with you , also sometimes they do ask for you to send in the written permission you have and the farms phone number etc also on your firearms application you have to state the reaso why you want the caliber and next to that it says you have to list farms etc so if i was you mate i would be asking your farmer asap if he would mind you using fac or you might find it hard obtaining firearms unless you are in a target club etc

atb mate


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Some forces are dead leary about granting .22lr for fox. Put down "for the purpose of" rabbit, other vermin and opportunistic fox. At interview say that you won't be looking for fox, but if one pops its head out of a hedge 30 yards away you will take the shot.


That said, 22lr is not really up to serious foxing. Maximum range on Charley is 50yds. Try for a CF, as suggested by some other guys.


Would Derboy be willing to monitor you with a CF? that would increase your chance of getting a CF no end.


Yes you can and should apply for more than one calibre. They can only say no!


ATB, Ric

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If your force is dead weary put the .22lr in for crow, rabbits, magpies, etc, and also put in for a .223 for fox, or ask your ceo, on the day of the interview how would he feel about

granting a .243 instead of the .223 if thats the way you want to go,


you may get lucky, you never know until you ask.




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thanks for the advice all ,it is seriously helping me and im no end grateful!

Its a fair wack to take in ( i only learned the majority of calibers yesterday lol)

okay so at the moment im thinking of applying for a .22lr for rabbit and general vermin control ,and also a .223 but have a work with the FEO on the interview to see if he would grant a .243 .

Do you think if derboy was kind enough..it would be a good idea for him to come with me saying the experience ive had etc. letting the FEO know that im safe handling rimmys along with centre fires .

Sorry if it sounds cheeky derboy,but i would be forever grateful mate. Im just kind of getting ideas together and finding the best possible route to take.



im 15 live on quite a small holding,2 acres with chickens. I have quite alot of air rifle experience handling guns etc. and hopefully when i apply will have a decent amount of shooting and handling experience with CF'S and RF'S .

it would also be going through the gwent police ,what have your dealings been like with them ?

Also ive never been in trouble with the police,ive only ever been stopped once with a mate over 21 years of age for carrying an air rifle ,so i have a clean record.

Also i have a (im sure 60 odd acre) permission with my air rifle that i think i would have to get checked and approved.

Also if im lucky enough derboy will allow me to tag along with him on his permissions which are already approved .


Thank you all for your help and support!


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As others have said the .22lr is not a General purpose fox tool, although certainly capable in the right circumstances.


If you think the usual centrefires may be an issue try a Hornet, and a WMR is pretty handy too, these are both excellent fox tools out to and past 100yards! :thumbs:

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hi brad , theirs no prob in taging along with me , as im only glad to help . i done this about 2years ago with my nephew and he has proved him self to me as to be trusted in a hide and out at night after charlie .so we will have to take things nice and steady . learn the safty and more safty.show you how the rifle works ,all about the amo and singes of any thing that could go wrong, shoot same paper (I prefer same milk cartons full of water )any way you got the just of it . iknow you are very keen , but it will came so just hang on in their .no prob with my fac as i have an open ticket . just get in contact with farmer and exsplain every thing and ill pop up and see him with you so i have a look about the land , im sure i know were it is plenty of bank about . ( O BY THE WAY DID U KNOW WHY WALES GOT SO MANY HILLS ) ANY BODY KNOW STALKER ANYBODY . TELL U LATER. :whistling:

DID YOU GET THOSE PICTURES BRAD . if things go well il be sure to put a good word in for you .so all goes well be out shortly


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i forgot about those photos lol ,just had a look now and wow if i ever get a bag a quater the size of that ill be a happy lad!!

and thanks so much for offering to let me come with you,when are you likely to be out next ?

Also im thinking of a .22 hornet or .223 ??? as said it will take fox out to around 100 yards ,and then maybe i could apply for a .243 or similar when i do my dsc1 and 2 ??

and yes haha the land is hilly its up through the american gardens at the top of penygarn,since my mum used to keep horses there and is good mates with the farmer and his wife,ill get her to ask if we can pop up and have a word about shooting with an fac rifle there,im sure he will be fine aslong as he knows were sensible enough :)

one question though.

if we shoot there,assuming its not fac declared land, would i be ok to shoot aslong as im with you since you have an open fac or would i not be aloud ?

also should i state on the application im applying for an open fac?

I was just trying to print off the form off the basc website but no ink in the printer :( lol ,im thinking it would be better to get forms sent to me as everything i need is included ? u wouldnt be able to point me in the right direction with this would u mate ?



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Hi Brad good luck when you eventually apply .A few points id like to make to you are a) the 22lr brno /cz's appear to be bomb proof mine is a 1976 model and still as accurate as hell with elay subs so you shouldnt have any bother there B) Your feo would only need to phone Derboy to ask about your experience (ive had this twice recently with friends applying. c) I might have this wrong but as your under 18 do you not need someone else to buy your rifles and ammo for you? If im correct you may need someone to 'buy' your rifle for you then give you it as a 'present' and then until you are 18 they need to buy ammo for you.As I say I may have this wrong but I will get jumped apon shortly if I am so you will know soon enough :icon_redface:

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