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This is my first post for what seems like an age, ive been busy setting up my new workshop so not really had much chance to get out. Now that its up and running i can focus on clearing the last remaining rabbits for a friend of mine. The land has been ear marked for pony grazing so i wont be able to shoot it for much longer :wallbash: so id better get some practise setting snares.

I set off at 1400hrs with 10 hoop snares and 20 peg and worked my way round the land picking runs and setting as ive been taught (by Mr Teapot). The bottom boundry is a steel palisade fence backing onto a railway line, the sets are all on the other side with runs coming through a few feet then run parralel the lenght of the field. i placed a few wires on the main run hand railing the fence, some tight to where they come through, using sticks to block the pales either side of my snare. The left boundry is a small stream with some mixed cover of brambles and long grass. Theres not many rabbits along this side as this is the place i sit and ambush them with my S200, so i walked the full length counting the number of good runs then went back and set on the best ones (knew i should of made more snares.) :icon_redface:

I saved the hoop snares for the runs further into the field, it seemed everywhere i put the hoop in i hit a bloody stone but i got there in the end. It took me just over and hour and half to set all my wires. Now This land was used to house chickens in pens and gets a regular visit of foxes so i knew if i caught any rabbits some might be lost. I went back to my workshop to make a few longnet baskets people have ordered and on the way home before the light faded, decided to check on my wires.

I had my little skeleton stocked S200 with me and before i got to my first snare i spotted a young half grown rabbit having some snap at around 80 yards. i got on my belt buckle and slowly crawled towards it untill i got to a good distance for a shot, the wind was coming from right to left so aimed off 1 mill dot squeezed the trigger and sent a H&N FTT to the head CRACK! droppped like a stone with just a little leg twitch, 1 in the bag :D

I got to the bottom palisade fence, nothing on the main run but one in a wire i set close to the fence, necked the rabbit, retensioned and set back again. Nothing more along the bottom boundry, made my way to the side by the stream and got one more from there. i made my way over to the hoops set in the middle of the field, found a marker and some fur but no hoop snare :censored: bloody fox been round already. So 3 rabbits in the bag and 1 for charlie. i'll be up at first light to check the nights work.


cant find the lead for my camera so had to use my phone when i got home sorry about the quality. :icon_redface:











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well done mate good right up to. did you have meny this morning? :thumbs:



Checked the wires at first light looks like the fox has been busy, 5 more snares gone :censored: he didnt even leave one for me this time. His days are numbered :boxing: i checked again before last light and nothing again but managed to bag one with the S200.





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Good story, Redeye. That fox will turn out to be the easiest ever to snare.


Using free rabbit, his favourite treat so far, bait Charlie in towards an area with converging fox trails, and have your snares a good ten to twenty feet away from the bait, long before he slows his pace as he homes in on the aroma of free dinner, on account of his becoming wary over the lingering human scent around the bait. Ten such snares in a perimeter around the bait will guarantee a successful capture of the wily one, and twenty in a wider spread will likely nail any others attracted to the commotion of the first catch.

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